The Cape

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"Hey, umm, Phil. The voices, they are getting louder." Techno's voices had been slowly getting louder for a few months. He had tried to ignore it but they were only getting worse. Phil quickly walked over to him, worry blooming on his face. "The colors are starting to fade." Colors fading all but red. It was the last step before he had a breakdown and got violent.

Phil instantly went rigid before wrapping his son in his arms. "Okay Techno. Do you want me to bring you something that might help? I had the idea a while ago but I wanted to wait until you needed it to give it to you." Techno looked confused before nodding. Phil turned around and went over to the closet. "Wilbur, Tommy, stay in your rooms okay?" He heard sounds coming from upstairs and took them as yesses. He pulled out a long red cape. It had white fur lining and a golden chain connecting it in the front.

"Holy shit, Phil is that?" Phil nodded and helped Techno put it on. Techno held the fabric and made a happy piglin sound before covering his mouth in embarrassment. Phil chuckled at this but continued to make sure the cape was situated correctly.

"How do you like it? It is the right color that you need to quiet the voices. How do they like it?" Techno wanted to speak but he was sure if he opened his mouth that he would only make more happy piglin noises. He nodded and then made another happy squeak. Phil chuckled and gave him a hug. "Voices gone down?" Techno nodded.

"Boys you can come down now." Phil called up to the two who had locked themselves in their rooms. They quickly bounded down the stairs and then started to obsess over the new cape. Techno laughed but managed to suppress any more piglin noises. Tommy stood next to Techno and wrapped the cloth around him like a blanket. Phil corralled them into the living room where they decided to play some games and have a chill evening.

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