The Record Player Song

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{femboy wilbur, abuse, f slur, blood, mean Sally}

prompt: the record player song+ femboy+ abuse

Wilbur was startled when the alarm went off it hadn't woken him but it had startled him out of his thoughts. He slowly stood and looked down at himself. His knees and shins were bruised with bits of dried blood here and there he brushed down his legs, dislodging bits of rock that had stuck to them. The gravel at his feet was almost completely stained brownish red and the wooden floor underneath was even worse. He went to get the broom and clean up the gravel before settling in to scrub the floors. It was still dark out but he needed to get working right away if he wanted to have time to get ready.

The sun started to rise as he got the last of the blood out of the floor. He went to the kitchen and started breakfast. Sally would be mad if it wasn't ready when she woke up. He worked in complete silence. Soon enough he had finished the batch of pancakes and set the table. He only set two seats. He wasn't hungry. He looked at the clock. 7:27. He had a little over thirty minutes before he had to wake up Fundy. He went to his room which was separated from his wife and hopped into the shower.

As he scrubbed his legs, cleaning the blood off, he let himself think. If he waited until Sally left for work, he could wear one of the new vintage dresses he got. He thought over yesterday and today's schedule. Yesterday he had finished Fundy's treehouse and had done almost all of this week's chores and dyed his hair blue, well it turned out more of a sea green. Sally had not been pleased. She never was when he tried to express himself. He got out of the shower and pulled on sweats and a sweatshirt. He would get ready after Sally and Fundy left.

He walked down the hall to wake his son. As they were walking out to eat Sally also made her exit from her room. She looked at Wilbur with disgust before starting to eat her pancakes. When she was done she stood and gave Fundy a smile before walking out the front door. Fundy finished not long after and yelled a goodbye to his dad before heading to school.

Wilbur relaxed as soon as he heard the door click shut behind his son. He went back to his room and pulled out the new dress that looked like it was from the 50s. It was red with white polka dots. He slipped into it and adjusted it. It was tight but that was expected. It fell just below his knees. He then went to his bathroom and pulled out his makeup. He did a simple look today focusing more on the eyeliner then the rest of the look.

He went out to the living room and pulled out a record player he had hidden under the couch. He pressed the play button and it started to soft music. He danced around feeling the dress sway around his legs as he started to do the rest of his chores. He put on an apron to start dinner. He especially enjoyed cooking in his dresses but Fundy would be home in an hour so after he did this he would have to change.

As he finished putting dinner in the oven the door slammed open to reveal a very angry and drunk Sally. He almost tried to hide but she had already noticed him.

"What the hell are you wearing Wilbur?" Sally said. The way she said Wilbur reminded him of happier times.

"I'm wearing, umm just a little something?" He said, trying to make it look natural. Before he had time to registar what was happening she had slapped him and grabbed a knife. She cut the dress off of him nicking his skin in places. He yelped but was silenced when the knife was pressed against his throat.

"Change before your sons sees what a faggot his father is." Wilbur nodded and rushed back to his room. He stripped the ripped fabric off of himself and quickly tried to bandage the wounds on his side. He knew he would have another punishment later tonight but hopefully Sally would wait until after Fundy was asleep.

this is kinda what my brain thinks of when i listen to that song. idk what that says about my mental health.

what if i wrote a mute tommy fic or a mute techno? any ideas for one? i wanna explore writing mute characters. or maybe one where tommy goes mute and has to try and explain it to someone?

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