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{insomnia, swearing}

I stumbled down the stairs. I hadn't slept in almost three days and it was starting to wear me down. I walked into the kitchen, the clock over the stove blinked back at me. 4:36. Damn, I really need to get some sleep. The room was almost pitch black but I managed to find a glass and fill it with water. I sipped it slowly, I was standing in the middle of the kitchen. I set the glass down and walked over to the base of the stariers. They seemed to stretch forever in front of me. I started my way up them and I reached the top quite quickly. I stumbled into my room and then flopped onto my bed.

"Techno, you need to sleep." Wilbur's voice startled me.

"Shit, why are you up?" I jolted up and Wilbur stood. He walked to me and pushed me back into the bed. He then tucked me into the blankets. Whenever I tried to fight back he would just put a hand on my shoulder and push me down. I was in no position to fight against him. Once I was tucked in to his liking he laid down on top of the blankets and cuddled into my covered form. I pulled my arms out from under the covers and wrapped them around him as he started to snore lightly. Soon I was wrapped into my own dreamless sleep.

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