Mermaid & Fridge

873 36 21

{muteness, kissing}

Wilbur POV:

I was walking down the main pier. I always come here when I am stressed and my schoolwork has really been stressing me out. I like to sit on a bench and study the people who go by. I give them names and stories. I call it Story Assignment. Today the pier is almost empty. A small man, who I named Kevin, with gray hair and a cane, is buying some snacks from a vendor.

Kevin's dog died a month ago and his husband wanted to get the snacks but he cried when he realized that this was the location of the last outing they took their dog on. So Kevin is getting them and beginning the snacks to his husband.

A pretty girl with shiny red hair and a pretty green dress. I named her Sandra. Her dad is a sailor and she comes everyday to see if he is coming back. Her mother is a mermaid and she was born a fish. But when her mother fell in love she turned human- oh shit she's coming over. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, why is she coming over. Is she mad that I was staring?

She pressed a paper into my hand. 'Hello, I'm Sally, I saw you staring at me. You are quite cute.' Sally, pretty name, almost Sandra.

I glanced up at her. "I'm Wilbur Soot. Not a talker? Or just nervous?" She smiled then tapped her throat. "Oh do you know, umm," I paused trying to remember the sign language I knew. 'I know a tad' She smiled.

'You can talk, just I can't' I smiled.

"Whichever is easier." She nodded. "So would you like to walk?" I awkwardly motioned down the pier. She nodded.

'I come here sometimes, my family lives out in the waters.' She shrugged. We reached the end of the pier and she led me into the little patch of woods.

"Mom a mermaid, Dad a sailor?" I asked without thinking. She gasped then laughed.

'Close my father doesn't have a job.' I laughed.

"My dad is a traveller. Big bro," I made a funky head shake. "Is a soldier. Little is a gremlin."

'Sorry but mom?' I laugh slightly.

"You won't believe me, she's a fridge. Don't ask for details on how." She smiled.

'Fridge, mermaid, same difference.' I laughed.

"So why don't you talk?" Her face fell for a second and I worried it was a sensitive subject.

'Mermaid side effect.' I startled at the reply.

"Wait like a real mermaid? I was right? What's the effect?" She smiled brightly.

'Makes you fall in love with me. Don't want to force that on people.' I laughed. She looked around and pulled me over to a tree.

"Well don't worry about forcing anything on me. I am already head over heels." I blush after realizing what I said. She laughed. Then she bites her lip and I know I wasn't lying.

"Well then, do you love me any more now?" I gasp.

"No, I just, I, Do you like me then?" My head was spinning. Did she actually like me? She put her hand to my check. She pulled me closer.

"Yeah I think I do." With that she kissed me. And it was like the stars aligned. I will admit, I had never been kissed. I mean I am 17 it's not like that bad but I still lied about it. I wanted to pull her closer but I was too shocked to move. When she pulled away I wanted to pull her closer. I was barely breathing and she looked worried. "Are you okay?"

"Yea, that was. That was amazing. Can I kiss you again?" She nodded blushing. I put my hand on the back of her neck and around her waist. Pulling her close I paused right before kissing her. She closed the distance. Holy shit. It was just as amazing as the first time. When we pulled away we were both out of breath.

"Too bad you can never meet my mom." She breathed it out.

"My mom doesn't talk to anyone but the family, so same I guess." She pulled my hand slightly. As she led me out of the forest we stopped in front of the entry to the pier.

'Can I meet your dad?' I nodded and led her away from the pier. As we wandered through the neighborhood we talked, well I talked she signed, about her family and mine. I stopped in front of my house.

"So here it is. The great Soot House, or Watson house if you are being formal." She giggled. I led her to the door knocking. To my dismay Tommy answered.

"Yo, who the fuck, do you got a girlfriend?" Tommy turned and ran back into the house, "Dadza, Wilby's got a girlfriend." I sighed then turned back to her. I bowed motioning for her to enter.

'Charming, guessing that was the gremlin.' I nodded and she smiled again. Techno was in the kitchen and when he saw Sally he spit out his water.

"Holy shit the child wasn't lying. Why did you bring her here?" I sighed.

"Cause I love her, she asked to meet you." I was not looking forward to Techno's questioning. When he opened his mouth I cut him off. "She's mute so try and remember the shit dad taught us." Techno frowned. I knew he didn't remember anything except his name. "Anyway. I'm gonna go find dad." I took Sally's hand and led her into the back part of the house. Dad kept all his travelling stuff and would often work back there for days.

Tommy was talking to him. Fuck. "Tommy, Dad. Met Sally. She can't talk but you both know sign and she can understand your words."

Sally smiled and waved shyly. "When'd you met?" dad asked, cutting off a question from Tommy.

Sally looked at me and I shrugged. 'Today.' Dad looked shocked.

"Are you gonna get married and shit?" I laughed.

"Maybe. I mean I am head over fins but I don't know if she is. If she says yes." She covered her mouth to hide the smile from the joke.

'Oh definitely.' I smiled. 

"If you're happy, good. Don't cheat on my son. Just cause you're a lady doesn't mean Techno won't." Dad let his words trail off. Sally looked at me and I shrugged. She took my hand back.

'I won't. It isn't like I can get people to love me instantly, and I do love him.' I smiled at her as I held in a laugh.

"We should get going. Her mom will probably want her back soon." I could tell whatever Tommy was going to ask next was not going to be good. Tommy tried to ask but I pulled her away.

"So fun family. Sometime you will have to meet my dad." As soon as we were off my street she spoke quietly.

"I would love that." She pulled me in for a kiss and again I was out of breath. She pulled away and gave me a quick hug. Then she turned and ran. She ran down the beach and into the water. I sighed and walked back home. There I was bombarded with questions from everyone, including my mother. 


I am thankful for all the support on the last chapter. I will probably turn it into a Wilbur oneshot later. 

How is this one? I had this prompt forever just took time to write. 

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