Headbutts & Therapy

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{headbutts, fluff, teasing, talk of: nightmares, ptsd, & therapy}

Tubbo followed Ranboo up the ladder and through the trapdoor into Michael's room. Michael was looking out the window and hadn't noticed them yet. His chicken noticed them and pulled on the lead, Micheal turned around and saw them. His face lit up as he ran towards them. He bent his head down slightly and bumped into Ranboo's legs. Then he turned and Tubbo lowered his head a bit and they headbutted eachother.

Tubbo cheered. "Yeah, good job Michael!"

Ranboo looked down at them with something almost like disappointment. "Tubbo, what did you teach him?"

Tubbo picked up Michael, with some difficulty as they were almost the same height now, and grinned. "I taught him headbutts. I have been trying to for almost a month now."

Ranboo sighed. "Great, now I'm going to have two small things running at my legs."

Tubbo shrugged. "Not my fault you have long legs. Look," Tubbo held out Michael as best he could. "He is almost as tall as me."

Ranboo bent over and took the zombie piglin. "Yeah, he's gonna be taller than you and then you will be the shortest again."

Tubbo bumped his head into Ranboo's hip gently. "We will have to find another kid then."

"Sure, but in the meantime let's get this kid to the mansion, we only have a little while longer until the sun comes out." Ranboo said as he opened the trapdoor and struggled to get through with the child.

Tubbo grabbed the chicken's lead and hurried down the ladder. "You should learn headbutts boss man."

Ranboo made a sound that was more of an enderman's noise than a sigh but it got the point across. "Who am I going to headbutt? The top of the doors? You know I'm too tall for those." Tubbo shrugged as they entered the mansion. Tommy was standing at the top of the stairs. "Oh, I told Tommy I would spend some alone time with him today. Can you get Michael to his room on your own?"

Ranboo nodded. "Yeah, I'll be fine." He put Michael on the ground and turned to walk away." Can you ask Tommy if he wants to come over for dinner later?"

Tubbo nodded even though they both could reasonably guess that Tommy would decline. "Hey Ranboo, one more thing." He waited until Ranboo turned back around to face him. "Lean down." Ranbbo hesitantly leaned over so he was at Tubbo's height. Tubbo smiled and gently tapped his forehead to Ranboo's. Ranboo blinked, a little shocked, before smiling and gently touching his forehead to Tubbo's. Then he turned and took Michael's hand and led him to his room. Tubbo smiled at Tommy happily before running up the stairs and charging face first into Tommy's chest. "Hey big man."

Tommy grinned and wrapped his arms around Tubbo to keep from falling over. "Hey Tubzo. Saw you making out with your boyfriend." Tommy teased as they headed back down the stairs and out the front door.

Tubbo bumped into Tommy just enough to throw Tommy off balance. "Not my boyfriend and we weren't making out."

Tommy nodded. "Right, right. Not your boyfriend, your husband." Tommy pulled out the 'husband.'

Tubbo stomped before running straight into Tommy with his head fully bent, knocking Tommy to the ground. "You're a dick."

Tommy laughed as he got back up. "You don't hate me though so I must be doing something right. Anyway, I'm glad you have someone now, Puffy says it's good to have someone to depend on."

Tubbo perked up. "How is that going? Therapy and all."

"It's good, I think I'm getting better. I didn't have a nightmare last night so that was pretty good. And I have been working with Techno to get over the whole potato thing." Tommy said with a small smile.

Tubbo grinned and turned off the path and they followed a river. "So she is helping you with Wilbur's stuff too?" Tubbo had been woken up by a terrified Tommy more times than he could count because of nightmares about the 16th or the time in Pogtopia beforehand.

Tommy nodded. "Yeah, she says Wilbur and Dream both led up to my issues now. Enough boring talk, let's swim." With that he pushed Tubbo into the river.

They spent the rest of the day swimming and playing by the river and when dinner came around, Tommy did end up joining them for it.


Last one for a little while. Hopefully I will have more time tomorrow. 

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