Unwilling Change- Sneak Peek

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{implied rape, blood, vampires, non-consent, begging, booze, drugs, kept captive, alcoholism, Quackity is called Alex until he meets Sapnap}

Alex cowered in front of the man he used to think was the love of his life. Schlatt had been yelling for over an hour. The whole room smelled of alcohol, some from Schlatt but mostly from the broken bottles that he had thrown at the shorter boy. Schlatt threw another one. It shattered right by his head.

"Alex, it would be you and be forever." He stepped closer, glamor dropping off of him. His fangs fully extended. Alex screamed. He felt Schlatt grab him.

"Please, Schlatt. No, I don't want this." Alex fought against him. He tried to push him but in the end Schlatt bit into Quackity's wrist. It was the turning point. Every human's body has a different one. The turning bite will never heal.

Schaltt made the bite as messy as he could. He even used one fang to carve a S into it. Alex cried and begged him to stop. At some point Alex passed out. Schlatt left, high off his rocker on human blood. Drunk off his ass on cheap booze.

When Alex came too he was chained to the bed by his wrist that wasn't bloody. Schlatt was passed out in the bed. Once Alex was sure he was safe from present dangers, he did a slight body check and found that his wrist wasn't the only part of his body hurting. He shifted to sitting then laid back down too sore for actually sitting.

He took in his surroundings again. Schlatt smelled like booze and something else. Whatever it was Alex knew it got him high. Hopefully he would be less high when he woke up.

The next few weeks were all the same. Schlatt would wake up, leave, come back, sometimes feed Alex, chug a shot of Alex's blood and a bottle of booze, 'hangout' with Alex, then go to sleep. It was all the same but Alex sometimes managed to convince himself that it was for his own good. Who knows what vampire powers he didn't know he had now?

Sometimes he even would think Schlatt meant it when he slurred out his I love you, but he only said it after their hangouts. Slowly Alex lost hope. Schlatt started to get bored. Alex tried to keep him, if Schlatt left who would love him, he was so broken. Also if Schlatt left, would he bother unchaining Alex first? 


I know I put two ones titled the same here but this is going to be the longer version of it. I have a bit up already so if you want more go check it out. I love you. 

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