Should Have

989 50 7

 {suicide attempts, arguing, grades, favorites, hospitals, sickness, self harm, mention of pills and guns}

 (Prompt: Wilbur gets hurt, suggested by @WiredAUMaker) 


Wilbur knew he was in trouble the minute he opened the front door. The air was silent. His brothers must be at friends houses or something. The school must have called home. He hadn't thought of an excuse yet. "Hello?" He called not moving from the doorway. 

"Wilbur Gold Minecraft Soot, kitchen now." 

Wilbur winced at the use of all 4 of his names. The school definitely snitched. "Coming Dad." He slowly set his backpack down by the door. As he walked through the house he wondered how bad it would be. He knocked on the wall next to the kitchen doorway to announce his presence. 

Phil whirled around, in his hand was a report card. Wilbur mentally sighed in relief as Phil began talking angrily. "Wilbur, how are you failing all of your classes except Band and Geography?" 

Wilbur resigned himself to being a bored teen before answering. "School is hard. Band and Geography are easy. Everything else sucks dick." 

Phil took a deep breath, not for calming but for preparing to rant. "Wil, you have to get better grades, you need to graduate so you can go to that music school you want to go to." Phil paused to study Wilbur's bored expression. "How?" He concluded suddenly. 

Wilbur was shocked into emotion at the sudden question before quickly masking again. "How what?" He looked down at his arms, still cut and slightly bloody from the day's activities. He didn't even have long sleeves on, Phil wouldn't notice. The only one person he was honestly worried about noticing was Techno and he was gone.

"How do your brothers have better grades then you? Techno has his ADHD and he has all As. Tommy has his anxiety and depression and he never drops below a B." Phil gestured to the report cards already hanging on the fridge. 

Wilbur had to restrain himself from talking for a second, knowing that if he did speak he would cry. When he was sure he wouldn't, he replied. "I don't know, maybe ask them. And by the way, that music school shut down recently so it won't matter either way." His voice cracked at the end so he stopped talking. 

"I'm not asking them, I am asking you why you insist on failing at everything you do." Phil immediately regretted the phrasing. 

Wilbur gave him a sad smirk, "Maybe don't favor your adopted kids over your actual one. And on the Tommy argument, I have been out of my anxiety pills for over a month, everytime I mentioned it, you said you would do it later. And Techno only has good grades because you basically do everything with him." With that he stormed back to the front door, slung on his backpack, and left. 

Phil ran after him. Some time while they were arguing the rain had started pouring down and it was dark. Wilbur was used to sneaking around at night, either sneaking out or having to sneak around to his window because they had forgotten he was still not home and locked the front door, and he dashed between houses and across streets until Phil lost track of him. 

Phil called Wilbur's phone and left a short apology and told him to come home before he caught a cold. He then headed home and waited. He waited a little over an hour before the phone rang. He didn't check the ID and picked it up. 

"Hello is this Philza Minecraft, Wilbur's dad?" It was a lady.

"Er, yea that is me. Is Wilbur okay?" Phil stood worried and paced the living room. 

"Yea, well I just wanted to let you know that Wilbur is safe right now and he is going to go home with me. I just had to talk him off a bridge and he seems pretty convinced you don't want him." 

Phil dropped his phone, "Shit." He grabbed the phone and put it back to his ear. "Oh my gods. Please tell me this is a joke." 

"I'm afraid not. I am going to probably get him checked into a hospital in the morning but right now I am more worried," The lady's voice faded slightly, "Wilbur can you unlock the car. Blue one right there. Thank you." The lady put the phone back to her ear. "I am worried he might get sick because of the cold." 

Phil nodded, "Please tell me what hospital once you get him there. I will try and see him." 

"Yes. Well I will probably put you as his contact on the forms so they will reach out. Sorry that I am kind of kidnapping your son for the night." There was movement then the sound of the car turning on. "Wilbur, talk to your dad." 

The phone was handed over. Wilbur's voice was monotone. "Hey Dad. While I'm away please make sure Tommy and Techno take their meds and shit. Don't let them worry too much, okay?" 

With that Wilbur hung up. 

Phil had tears running swift courses down his face. "Gods Wilbur. I fucked up. I'm so sorry." He said it onto the phone like Wilbur was still listening. 

The next day he got a text with the hospital Wilbur was in. He was there as soon as he could. Wilbur was all dressed up in hospital gowns and Phil was allowed back to see him for a little while. 

"Dad, sorry for being so dramatic. They say I have to be here for 72 hours before I can be let go. Probably longer, depends on what the talk doc says." Wilbur's voice was dripping with sarcasm. He looked like he had the worst cold ever but other than that mostly fine. 

Phil noticed Wilburs arms were messed up and scabbed. "Wilbur what happened to your arms?" 

Wilbur laughed dryly. "Haven't you heard, your son has more then a fucked up suicide keeping him here." 

Phil frowned. "I'm sorry. I thought if you needed help, that, that you wouldn't do this. I thought that you would have, I don't know. You should have reached out." He didn't even realize how demanding his voice sounded.

Wilbur exhaled in a way that almost sounded like a scoff. "Maybe what I should have done was jump when I saw the car slowing down. Or," He held out his cut up arm, "cut this way, harder, just like I could have tried harder at school." He dragged his finger down his arm, the scabs breaking and more blood leaving the wounds. "Or maybe I should have just taken the pills in 8th grade. Or stayed in the lake that December when it froze over and I jumped in. Or maybe I should have used that gun Schlatt showed me. Or maybe I should have." He stopped talking as a nurse came in but Phil could tell that there were a lot more should haves on Wilbur's mind.  

The nurse wrapped Wilburs arm and muttered something about getting restraints. Wilbur smiled back at his dad. "Doesn't matter anymore, I'm their problem not yours. Go take care of your only two kids." 

When the nurse came back in, Wilbur asked her to have Phil leave. When Phil got back into the car he drove home solemnly, not knowing if he would ever see his son again. 


Hi. I have a few to upload to this book but most of this chunk of uploads is going to be on my unwilling change Karlnapity book. 

Also how do you guys like my more sad and angsty ones? 

I got adhd meds. Idk if I mentioned it before but they help a ton and so I have been doing great. How have you guys been? 

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