Going Home Pt. 2

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As the strange girl called for her dad, Phillis pulled off her armour and put it in her bag. She pulled herself closer to her dad as he too removed his armour. A few minutes later Tommy opened the door with a skeptical look on his face. The look was wiped off with one of confusion then anger then sadness and then a rush of so many Techno had trouble deciphering any. Tommy rushed forward and gave Techno a hug. He walked back into the house motioning for Techno to follow. It had been almost three years since they had seen each other.

Wilbur came down the stairs followed quickly by Philza. The girl had retreated into the living room where the whole family now stood. Phillis was awkwardly clinging to Techno's side and the new girl was standing behind Tommy, sending a weird look at Phillis.

"Well I guess we both have new additions to our little family." Wilbur spoke first. Phillis looked confused but the other small child just kept studying the new people in her living room.

"Philza Minecraft, the voices demand blood." Phillis said making Techno almost choke on his laughter. Philza looked concerned and Wilbur and Tommy both took defensive positions in front of the other girl.  Phillis tugged on Techno's cape and tapped her ear. Techno quickly picked her up. Even though she was 13 she still sometimes would get overwhelmed and so Techno would hold her to help her feel protected. They had little ques like this for a lot of things.

"This is Phillis. She has voices too but oftentimes she will say what they say without thinking about it. So far has yet to have a proper voice attack thingy. And has yet to actually have any violent outbreaks." Techno chuckled a little and Phillis hid her face in her father's chest. Tommy and Wilbur relaxed slightly. "She is 13 today. I don't remember how I found her but she has been with me most of the three years I have been away. She doesn't know anything about you guys except the name Philza Minecraft is my dad kinda." He wasn't lying. One day the voices had told him that there was a child and to take care of it. He had never mentioned it to her because he didn't want to risk her mentioning it to someone and people knowing he was hiding in the village.

"This is Techie. We mostly call her Tech. She's Tommy's or at least it was his idea to get another kid. And Tommy gets called dad. Phil is Dadza and I am just Wil." Tech rolls her eyes at Wilbur's words. "And she takes after Tommy a lot."

"Are we just going to ignore the fact that she said voices demand blood, knew Dadza's name, and we have never seen her? And he literally just said she knows nothing about us." Tech's voice sounded slightly interested but mostly annoyed. Tommy ruffled her hair and she swatted at his hand.

"Tech, be nice. This is Technoblade. The Blade. The reason you weren't named Tuberculosis. Be happy he is here." Tech groaned and covered her face as Tommy spoke. She shuffled over to Philza and he gave her a cup of tea that he had made at some time while everyone else was talking. She muttered a thank you before going back to her father.

"You were going to name a child Tuberculosis?" Techno's voice was shocked. Tommy laughed at this, shaking his head slightly.

"Tommy was going to name her Tubbo but he couldn't figure out a female form and once, well long story short, I said it once as a joke and now we tease her for it. Is Phillis named after Dad? " Wilbur smiled and Tommy ruffled Tech's hair again. Techno nodded and Phillis squirmed so Techno set her down. She approached the strange blonde girl who backed up slightly but then made a decision and motioned for the girl to follow her outside. She looked back at Techno who nodded before following Tech into the yard where they started playing in the garden. 

"I'm sorry for leaving. I-" Techno started but got cut off by his father.

"No Techno we understand. Those trigger happy fools were going to keep trying to kill you. You needed to let them chill. I mean it would have been nice to get a letter but I understand that those can be traced." Phil wrapped his son in a hug before extending his wings to wrap around him as well. Wilbur squirmed under the wings and gave Techno a hug too.

"I'm gonna go watch the girls." Tommy said, giving Techno a smile before heading out to watch his kid with the new addition to their family. They seemed to be fast friends. Maybe they could meet Tubbo's kid but that would be later. Also they might not like him as much because he is only 5. Doesn't matter today is now and right now he is incharge of making sure Phillis and Tech don't get hurt.

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