Little Space Pt. 2

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{little space}

Tommy was slipping and he could tell. He tried to mask it and he thought he was succeeding. He tried to pull himself out but it was not working. He got up and went to his room. He heard Philza say something to Wilbur but he didn't care.

He closed his door behind him and got out his stuffies. He had quite a few. His favorite was the bee Tubbo had gotten him. Not that he would tell Tubbo that. He got out that one and curled around it as he lay on his bed.

Wilbur knocked on the door lightly. He knew Tommy was trying to stay out of little space but he also knew that Tommy needed his little space sometimes to avoid getting burnt out. He pecked in and saw Tommy laying in his bed sucking on his thumb. He looked okay for now so Wilbur rushed down stairs.

Phil looked at Wilbur and nodded getting up and walking to the kitchen. Wilbur went back upstairs and into Tommy's room. Tommy startled but he had already slipped too far in to pull himself out. Wilbur picked up the tall boy gently and put him on his lap as he sat on the edge of the bed. He rocked the boy until Philza appeared at the door with a small sippy cup full of warm milk with a dash of almond extract. They had found the recipe on pinterest while looking for ways to help Tommy.

Phil handed the bottle to Wilbur and left knowing that sometimes too many people could over-welm Tommy when he was little. Wilbur gently put the bottle in Tommy's hands and Tommy started to sip it almost instantly. Tommy drank almost half of the milk before he got bored and squirmed. Tommy dropped the sippy but the anti-leak kept the carpet clean.

Wilbur set him down and went to Tommy's closet. He pulled out the large tub of Duplo bricks, he opened it and quickly pulled some out. As he presented them to Tommy, the tall child giggled and clapped. Wilbur gently moved the box to it's side so that Tommy could access the blocks better before sitting down and starting to build a random house.

Tommy had better ideas, he started to dig through the blocks until he found all the red and white blocks. He started to build a red and white house, the colors had no pattern but Tommy looked like he was focusing hard. They built a few houses before Tommy started to yawn.

Wilbur picked up the previously forgotten bee stuffy on the bed and then turned to Tommy. "Hey Bubba, I am super tired. Can we cuddle with Mr. Bee on the bed for a bit?" Tommy frowned slightly before letting out another yawn. Then he crawled over to the bed and pulled Wilbur to lay next to him.

Wilbur pulled Tommy close and started to hum Saline Solution. Tommy giggled slightly before pulling his stuffy close to him and closing his eyes.

Wilbur hummed through his song three times before he was confident that Tommy was asleep and he got up carefully. He started to clean up the blocks as quietly as he could. When he was done he grabbed the sippy from the floor and turned on the baby monitor. If Tommy woke up little then they would be notified. He headed down to the kitchen where he emptied the sippy and set it in the sink. He then went to the living room where Phil was watching a show on mute.

He sent a text to Techno telling him to be quiet when he got home because Tommy was sleeping and then cuddled up next to Phil as they watched the show.

sorry this didn't get posted apparently so here it is now.

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