U Locks Pt. 1.5

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{mention of abuse, slavery and panic attacks, swearing}

(kitchen convo from pt. 1)

Techno walked into the kitchen. Phil was inspecting the U lock as he cleaned it. Techno could see the blood on it.

"How come he was just abandoned? He looks like he is in good shape. They might come back for him." Techno was genuinely curious.

"Most likely has some underlying abuse or panic attacks. He almost cried when Tommy wouldn't give him his shoes." Phil spoke quickly.

"Shit. Well we should probably figure out how to make him feel comfortable without giving him all the chores. Also the lock is not a good thing for him to be attached to."

"Yea well he said his dad gave it to him. Think that was his actual dad or just his first owner?" Phil was drying the lock carefully.

"Damn, I didn't even think of that. Holy shit." Techno lost himself in thoughts as Phil rushed out of the room because he heard Tommy say something about Wilbur's criminal history.


i'm going to go insane. i fuxking hate being mormon. i'm gonna start stabbing shit.

anyway how are you? i feel like i'm going to vomit. and i hate everything about myself with a fuxking passion. also i managed to trigger my dysphoria by reading a trans karl au and it was so good but now i just want to cut my tits off. pls kill me.

by the way. i am going to pretend that tommy is not dead the same way i pretend wilbur isn't dead when it comes to writing okay? so unless it is ghostinnit or phantommy it is alive innit. got it?

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