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{ghosts, swearing, mention of death}

Tommy pushed open the door to the abandoned house pulling a hesitant Tubbo in. Tommy quickly shut the door and motioned for Tubbo to be quiet. Tommy slowly crept to the kitchen and grabbed a knife, he had run into squatters once before. When he returned to his friend, Tubbo widened his eyes. He watched the knife carefully.

"Yo bitches." Tommy shouted out putting himself between Tubbo and the rest of the house. The temperature dropped slightly and Tubbo shuddered. Tommy relaxed. "We are good. Sometimes I find squatters and shit here."

Tubbo nodded hesitantly but eventually got distracted by the house. The room they had entered was a living room. It had a huge couch on one side and a big tellie on the other wall. There was a bookcase that went all the way up to the ceiling and stretched across the whole wall opposite of where the boys were. Stairs led up to another floor and there was a small blocked off kitchen. Under the stairs there was a cabinet probably for cleaning supplies and such.

Tubbo walked around the place in awe, he approached the stairs but decided against going up them as one of the steps had completely caved in and he could see into the closet. He returned to Tommy who had laid himself across the couch. When Tommy registered his best friend he motioned for him to come sit.

As Tubbo sat the temperature dropped again. Not too cold but it was noticeable. He sat on the couch and then Tommy pulled a remote from in between the couch cushions. Tubbo laughed at first then in shock as the television turned on. Tommy turned on a show that looked like it was angled at kids but it could be captivating to the right teens or adults. As it was playing Tubbo noticed a figure standing at the stairs. He nudged Tommy who looked confused until Tubbo pointed to the stairs.

Tommy just nodded before shouting, "Hey Techno you're scaring my guest. Get out of the fucking shadows or I will burn your stuffy."

The figure got closer but it was still blurry around the edges and Tubbo could see through it slightly. He pulled Tommy close.  Tommy laighted. "Ghosts." Tommy whispered back.
The figure stepped into the light of the living room. He had long pink hair that flowed around his face. His face was slightly scarred with cuts and bruises. He had a golden crown and his outfit consisted of a white button up, black skinny jeans, and a maroon belt with a black sheath that had a shiny sword sitting in it. He sat down on the other side of Tommy and just watched the TV.

Tommy looked disappointed. "Don't ignore Tubbo you bitch. Where is Wilbur and Dadza?" Tubbo watched as the ghost got up and floated through the roof. A few seconds later he came back down.

"Hi Tubbo I am Techno, my brother Wilbur will be down shortly and Philza is busy doing things he doesn't need to do anymore, mainly cleaning his room for the third time this week." Techno spoke with the most monotone voice Tubbo had ever heard. When Tubbo nodded softly taking in the information the pink haired man sat back down.

A few minutes later a guy with fluffy brown hair covered with a maroon beanie floated through the ceiling head first. He flipped over when he got fully through the roof. "Hi new person. I am Wilbur. I play music and stuff." Wilbur had a lighter voice that seemed to be too airy. Then the new guy lost his balance and after a slight struggle he ended up with his head down again.
Wilbur laughed slightly. "I struggle to stay upright because it makes me dizzy." He then sat down with his legs going on the seat of the couch with his back on the ground. He stared at the ceiling for a bit lost in thought. Tubbo turned most of his attention to the television but still watched the two guys.

Tommy got up and dragged Tubbo to the kitchen. Techno shifted slightly but Wilbur was too busy thinking to notice. When Tommy closed the door to face Tubbo he started talking.

"Are you scared of them? They won't hurt you." Tommy's voice was quiet. "They keep this place running and it is a safe space as long  as squatters keep out." Tubbo nodded slightly.

"I guess I just wasn't expecting dead people. What is up with Wilbur though?" Tommy's expression dropped for a second.

"We don't talk about that because well it is kinda personal to Wilbur and how he died." Tubbo nodded and then they started to leave the kitchen. Tommy grabbed the mugs of steaming hot chocolate that had appeared sometime while they were in the living room. He handed one to Tubbo who sipped it. The house had slowly been getting colder.

"Hey Wilbur, you said you do music?" Tubbo asked quietly. Wilbur nodded quickly and then floated feet first into the ceiling. A few minutes later he floated down the stairs holding a guitar. He strummed it then tuned the pegs a bit.

Tubbo sat down as he watched the upside down ghost as he started strumming a song. They all listened and then when he was done singing they all broke out into applause. The upside down boy spun in a circle before going back to sitting on the couch.
Tubbo started to warm up to the ghosts and then another appeared. A blonde man with a bucket hat appeared at the doorway and then sat at the chair tucked over by the bookshelf. The other two ghosts seemed to calm down a bit when he appeared and Tommy had moved to sit at the man's feet. The man ran his fingers through the small kids hair. They all joked around until it was dark and Tubbo had to go home. Tommy showed him out and when Tubbo looked at him questionly Tommy just shrugged. Then Tubbo ran home excited to return the next day.

i know it sucks. i hate the ending but i couldn't think of where to go. might explore wilburs upside down bit. it would have a ton of triggers tho but if you want it i can do it.

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