Littlespace pt. 3

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{littlespace, implied nightmares}

Tommy was sitting on his bed waiting for Tubbo to come over. He had invited his friend over to spend the weekend. They already had plans to build a treehouse in their backyard. They had this huge plan and everything. Phil had already agreed to buy the materials and Techno and Wilbur had agreed to help the boys with the actual building.
Tommy was busy thinking about different decorations he could get to make the place perfect. He wanted to do something with bees for Tubbo and something for him. But he didn't know what he wanted. He wanted something for his little side but he didn't want to show Tubbo that. He wanted something for his normal self but he didn't exactly know what he wanted. Maybe some MineCraft discs. They could make the whole thing MinceCraft based.

The doorbell rang, snapping him out of his thoughts. Tommy bounded down the stairs and opened the door. Tubbo stood there. Today he was wearing a light green shirt with dark green overalls. He bounced on his toes once before Tommy dragged him through the house to the backyard.

Techno had already pulled materials into the backyard. Wilbur was sitting on his phone, probably trying to get out of this. Phil had already volunteered them to help. Tommy started to boss Techno around and then Tubbo managed to convince Wilbur to help. Soon the floor of the treehouse was made.

While Techno and Wilbur were working on the walls Tommy and Tubbo were carrying boxes of things that they had gathered in Tommy's room under the treehouse. Tubbo was just grabbing random boxes of things because Tommy had refused to tell him which ones were actually the ones they needed. At some point he had brought out something that looked like it had stuff for a kid in it but he ignored it until Techno brought Tommy aside and pointed at the box. He was curious but he knew that Tommy probably didn't want questions.

He walked closer to Techno to ask if the little house was safe.

"Maybe he can know?" Techno was asking Tommy who shook his head.

"Gods no. He would probably think I'm weird." Techno made eye contact with Tubbo.

"Hey Tubbo, what do you need?" Tommy jumped at Techno's words. He whirled around.

"Shit Big T. You startled me." Tommy glanced nervously at Techno who shrugged.

"Can I go up in the treehouse? Is it safe yet?" Techno nodded and Tubbo turned around to climb up the tree. As he settled into the tree house he looked around. It had three windows and a door that led out to a little balcony. The roof was flat and there were steps to go onto it. Tubbo startled when he heard the door open. Tommy was standing there awkwardly.

"Can I know what?" Tubbo asked after a bit of science. Tommy shrugged.

"If you are present when it happens Techno and Wilbur can fill you in." Tubbo just scrunches his face in confusion.

"Okay." Tubbo pats the area next to him and Tommy comes and sits down. Tubbo gives him a tight hug and Tommy mutters something about being clingy.

"Hey Tubbo. That box that you brought out, can it just go in the corner and not be opened?" Tubbo nodded into Tommy's chest and Tommy ran his hand through his best friend's hair.

--Timeskip to that night after they settled into the treehouse--

Tommy woke up gasping. He looked over at Tubbo who was sleeping peacefully next to him. He looked for his phone so he could text Techno. Then he remembered. They had left them inside to charge. He would have to wake Tubbo. He moved over to the box pulling it open. Tubbo hadn't touched or asked about it all day. He opened it as quietly as he could before pulling out a pacifier and a small baby toy. One of those chewing ones that has liquid inside. He then decided he only wanted the toy and put the paci back.

Slipping the toy into his teeth be bagan to chew on it. After a bit he crawled over to Tubbo. He did need someone awake, even little he knew it wasn't safe. Tommy turned on the light and after a quick shove to his shoulder Tubbo woke. Tubbo looked around then took note of the toy in Tommy's mouth and the open box behind him. Tommy giggled at the confused look on Tubbo's face. Tommy clapped his hands together and then made grabby hands at his friend. Tubbo was confused but he pulled Tommy in for a hug.

"Hey Tommy, what's happening?" Tommy frowned slightly before going back to the box. He dug around but whatever he was looking for wasn't there. He started to cry slightly. Tubbo quickly hurried over to his friend and wiped his tears.

"Hey Tommy, it's okay." He tired his best to comfort the crying boy.

"Techie. I want Techie." Tommy muttered. Tubbo had never heard Tommy call Techno that before.

"Okay but can you be up here alone while I go get him?" Tubbo didn't know what was happening but he knew his friend was not thinking normally. Tommy shook his head. Tubbo didn't know what to do until he noticed a little speaker thing in the box. He pulled it out. It was one of those baby things that let you listen into a room if a baby is sleeping. He seemed to have the mic side.

He turned it on. "Test?" He sounded hesitant, "Test, hello this is Tubbo. If anyone is there umm." He looked back at the house where it seemed someone was moving around. "Can you turn on a light?" After a second a light turned on in Phil's room. "Great Phil hi. Ummm Tommy is asking for Techno but he seems to be kinda out of it so I don't want to leave him and go get Techno."

Tommy perked up at Techno's name. "Techie." He said a bit louder, pulling on Tubbo's sleeve.

Tubbo pulled Tommy into a hug. "Yea, Techie is coming." He rubbed circles into his friend's back and waited. Within a minute Techno was climbing up into the treehouse.

"Bubba I'm almost up, can you open the door Tubbo?" Tubbo left Tommy's side for a second to open the door before returning to his friend. When Techno got up into the treehouse he quickly crossed the small space and dug through the box. He pulled out a bottle which he tossed down to Phil who went into the house. He pulled out a small stuffed cow.

"Henry." Tommy cried out happily. Techno gave the stuffy to Tommy and then motioned for Tubbo to leave Tommy, who had become quite content with his cow, and talk to him in the corner.

"Tommy is in little space right now. He is probably five-ish right now mentally. He likes being called Bubba," at hearing his name Tommy made a little happy gasp and giggled, "And he has this box of little stuff." Tubbo was super shocked. He had never made the connection before.

"So it is not big Tommy anymore?" Tubbo nodded as he processed this new information. "Can I be Uncle Tubbo?" He seemed excited. He went back to his friend. "Hey Bubba, Can I be Uncle Tubbo?" Tommy looked up and grinned.

"Uncle T." He stated before putting his chew piece back into his mouth. He looked up at Tubbo again. "Here Uncle T." He said as he handed the stuffed cow to Tubbo.

"Oh thank you Tom-Bubba but this is your toy. I can play with you if you want." Tubbo handed the cow back to the boy and grabbed his stuffed bee that he had brought to sleep with. Tommy giggled and smiled.

There was a knock at the door that startled Tommy and Tubbo. Techno went over and Phil handed him a bottle with warm milk in it. "Tubbo you want to try and get Bubba here to go to sleep seeing as it is almost 4 in the morning?" Tubbo nodded and accepted the bottle that was handed to him.

"Bubba, Uncle T got you some milk." Tommy cuddled closer to Tubbo and Tubbo wrapped his arms around his friend. Tommy was impatient and grabbed the bottle himself and started sucking on it. When some of the milk was gone Tubbo started to hum to the boy. He hummed random notes until he felt the other boy relax into his arms. He quickly moved the bottle away from the boy's lips and put it rightside up by the box. He then pulled Tommy into a hug and laid down. Techno quietly made his way out of the treehouse and back to his room. As Tubbo drifted off to sleep he felt Tommy cuddle closer to him in his sleep. Tommy would definitely be embarrassed in the morning.

do you want the morning after one? also i know i said i wasn't going to be posting much but i really needed the outlet so it might be the exact opposite idk right now. but i do know i'm struggling and not doing great so sorry if the next few weeks of content sucks. hopefully i'll feel better soon but idk right now.  i might have a panic attack in a min but that's when i get some ideas for oneshots sooo...

on a happier note. i don't have school next week AND i'm going to my best friends house on Sunday.

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