U Locks

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{mention of slavery, abandonment, possibly others I don't know}

Prompt: Tubbo was found with a bar thingy in his mouth. It is his comfort item even though it is intended poorly.

Tommy was walking around the little town he and his family had recently helped build. It was small but it had lots of potential and it had a steady flow of people and traders. Tommy especially enjoyed walking around the back streets, where the only people there were those who lived there. He was especially fascinated with one street that looked like crime would pop up quickly. It had two separate alleyways that led off into different directions. Tommy would walk these and look through the litter for shiny things and other trinkets.

He startled as he was turning onto the first alley. It looked like someone had dumped a huge couch and some other large furniture. He pulled out his small knife and started cutting the rotten cover off of the couch. He liked destruction and this was something he could destroy without consequences. Until he got tackled by a green blur with brown hair. He quickly scurried to an upright position and held the knife out, ready to use those lessons with Techno.

Tommy almost gasped at the boy in front of him. He had fluffy brown hair with little horns sticking up and floppy fur covered ears. He was wearing a dirty green shirt with black jeans. He had a U lock in his mouth that was preventing the boy from talking but he was making small noises. Tommy had heard of people using those U locks on hybrids that were considered dangerous. Mainly goat and piglins. He knew Techno was a piglin hybrid so this boy must be a goat.

"Hey buddy, do you need help taking that off?" Tommy knew those could be painful or even dangerous if they were put on wrong. "Dadza can get you food and stuff too." He wanted to get the boy to come home with him because Phil would know what to do. Techno had been found with one of those. The boy went back to the furniture and grabbed some bags. He made some sounds like he was talking but Tommy couldn't understand anything. When the boy had grabbed his bags and a few blankets he turned back to Tommy. He nodded at him. Tommy reached out and grabbed the boy's hand.

The boy must have been trained to follow instructions probably as a house servant before he was abandoned because he grabbed Tommy's hand gently but firmly. Tommy started to walk back to his house. On the way there they only had one person try and stop Tommy from taking the boy and it was quickly sorted when Tommy drew his knife again.

When they reached the house, the boy was reluctant to go inside. Tommy had to practically drag the boy. After a lot of dragging and a bit of convincing he managed to pull the boy into the entryway of the house. The boy instantly started to complete normal tasks. He took off his bags and set them close to the door and put his blankets over it. He took off his worn shoes and then went to collect Tommy's shoes.

Tommy was confused but after the boy started to get upset he gave his shoes to the boy who put them over by the door as well. Tommy called his dad.

"Yo Dadza get your ass down here I need your help with unlocking this U lock." Phil was heard swearing and rushing down the stairs until he appeared at the entryway.

"Tommy who's this? Why is he here?" Tommy shrugged and Phil rushed over to the boy. The boy flinched visibly and then Phil pulled him into a hug. When Phil pulled out of the hug he held the small boy at arms length and tried to find the best way to remove the U lock. He would have to either let it stay in until he got Techno's old key because most locks use the same key or he would have to cut it off. Cutting it would risk cutting the boy so he settled to finding the key.

"Techno where's that old key from your U lock?" Phil knew Techno had kept it but he didn't know where. Techno shuffled down and when he noticed the boy he rushed over pulling a small key on a necklace out from under his shirt. He quickly unlocked the bar and Phil gently removed it. The boy shuddered before reaching for the U lock again. Phil handed it to the boy who shocked everyone when he put it back on.

"Hey buddy what is your name?" The boy looked up when Techno spoke then quickly put his head back down. Then he removed the bar slightly.

"Tubbo, I think, Sir." He was shivering slightly even though the room was a comfortable temperature. He put the bar back in place. Techno rushed to the boy's side.

"No, you don't need to use Sir here. You are not a slave or servant. I used to be one but Phil helped me escape that." Techno gave the boy, Tubbo, a hug.

Techno had not been a house servant as Tubbo had been. Techno had been a fighting slave. He had been trained and overworked and then at some point ran away. Phil had found him with a U lock in his jaw and Techno had been struggling to figure out how the key worked. Phil had helped him and took him in.

The boy struggled slightly against the hug until he could take the bar off again. "I- I am never going to be free. They will hunt me down." Tubbo quickly put his bar back in and bit down on it.

"No son, we won't let them. If they come they will suffer. Now can I get that bar out of your mouth so you can talk freely?" Phil spoke this time. Tubbo shook his head slightly.

"But this is, it is, my dad gave it to me." Tubbo started crying but he tried to hold the bar in his mouth.

"Well you can keep it but it probably is not very sanitary, may I take it and clean it while Tommy shows you to the spare room. You should take your things to it too." Phil tried to get the bar again. This time Tubbo complied. He handed Phil the bar and the U piece and then shuffled to Tommy's side. Tommy picked up Tubbo's things and headed deeper into the house, Tubbo on his heels.

Phil went to the kitchen and started to wash the bar and lock, cringing at the bits of dried blood on bits of the U. He would need to get the boy checked over for wounds later, right now he needed to make sure Tommy didn't scare the boy.

He rushed to the spare room where Tommy was cautiously trying to make his new brother laugh. Phil stood in the doorway drying the U lock with a towel watching as Tommy made a new joke. "Wilbur is a dirty little crime boy, I think he might be on a list." Tubbo chuckled slightly and then covered his mouth. He looked panicked for a second and then he put his finger in his mouth like it was the bar.

"Hey Tommy, maybe don't tell Tubbo about Wilbur's criminal background until after he has met him." Phil startles the two and Tubbo quickly shuffles over to get the bar. Phil hands it to him with a sigh. "I think we should find a way to replace the bar. It could be dangerous if done incorrectly." Tubbo looked nervous when replacing the bar was mentioned but he quickly nodded and went along with it.

"Tubbo, do you feel comfortable sleeping in here tonight? We can discuss what will happen in more detail tomorrow but it is late and Tommy does need to sleep." Tommy groaned at this.

"Can Tubbo and I sleep in here together?" Tommy asked quickly. Tubbo nodded slightly and Phil let out a sigh of exasperation.

"Fine, but you need to get sleep, both of you." Tommy cheered and Tubbo smiled slightly. "Okay boys, good night, I love you." He said it to both of them but Tubbo didn't even know what the phrase meant. "Oh and Tubbo, don't sleep in that lock thing. It could be bad." He closed the door and went back to Techno who was making tea in the kitchen.

The boys looked at each other happily and then Tubbo took off the bar. He sat down in the corner with his back against the wall and listened to Tommy talk. Everynow and then he would slip the bar back in but he had noticed Phil didn't like it so Tubbo was determined to get used to being without it. After a while Phil knocked on the door and said he and Techno were heading to bed.

Tommy then pulled his new friend onto the bed and cuddled close to him. Tubbo was confused but soon found himself running his fingers through Tommy's hair until his eyes started to get heavy and he too fell asleep.

i have a 1.5 idea which would be techno and phil talking in the kitchen but if you want a full pt 2 i need ideas. i have some fluff ideas in this au but i need more angst. i don't like having a fully fluff au.

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