Unwilling Change Pt. 2

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{Includes spice, vampires, sexual harrasment}

This is a pt 2 but it will be in the Unwilling Change book too. I won't publish more for it here but the other book also will start earlier. 

Karl fidgeted with the bracelet as Sapnap took his arm. They walked together with Quackity trailing behind them. As soon as they entered however, Sapnap gave Karl to Quackity and left. Quackity looked around before leading Karl to the snack table. It was a fancy party but the music and dress wouldn't say that. Everyone looked like they were ready to go clubbing, except most people were drinking from champagne flutes and some even were waltzing to the strangely quick music.

Anyone who was even slightly facing the door turned when they came in. Most of them seemed to respect that Karl was already with Quackity but a few seemed to prepare to introduce themselves. One vamp set his glass down and came over. He had fluffy blonde hair and he was followed by a brown haired boy who was slightly shorter.

"Big Q, what happened to the Fridge? Did he like, die or something? you were attached to him forever." Quackity smiled and shook his head.

"Hello Tommy, meet Karl. This is Sapnap and Mine's newest edition to our nest. As for Sapnap, he is dealing with some unfinished stuff." Karl let Quackity talk and when Quackity looked over to him, he reached out a hand to shake with Tommy.

"Well he must be something to get pulled to this so soon." Tommy shook the outstretched hand. "Tubbo, Karl." He pointed at them and they shook hands too. Tubbo looked at Tommy who nodded. He took Tommy's hand.

"Quackity, I want some snacks. Sapnap didn't give me time to eat after I woke up." With that Quackity led Karl away from the pair. As they walked people stared. It wasn't like at the nest where those who were interested in him all looked away, no here they all looked. Some had predatory looks others had more fanciful. Karl liked this kind of attention too.

"How are you doing? Are you cold?" Quackity bombarded Karl with questions about his well being.

"Yes, I am fine. I kinda like it here. Yes it is a little chilly but it's nice." Quackity nodded and handed Karl a drink. Their whole nest was non alcoholic, mostly blood free too, and this night was no different. However there was a different table for those drinks. Quackity looked around then dragged Karl over to some more people.

Karl gasped when he saw Wilbur. Quackity stopped and turned around before they got there. "What is it?"

"I just didn't know Wilbur was a vamp. I mean I guess it makes sense but still." Quackity didn't know how they knew each other.

"Do you want to say hi?" Karl nodded uncertainty glazing his mind and Quackity dragged him over.

"Hey Wilbur, ma man. Karl recognized you. Thought the two of you would like to talk." Quackity pushed Karl forward.

"Oh hi Karl. You must be new to the whole fangs and shit. Want a swig." Wilbur held out a shot glass full of blood.

"Oh no. I'm not allowed to accept things without my master's permission." Karl pushed the cup back to Wilbur who took it and another he had been holding. "Even then I don't-"

"Master? You a little vamp toy? Didn't take you up for that type." Karl nodded and grabbed Quackity's arm again.

"What do you think I would dress myself like this? I have a fucking crown on. Anyway I should really get going." Karl tipped the crown down and then stepped back behind Quackity symbolizing he was done.

"Have a good night Wilbur." Quackity said before leading Karl away. As they walked away a girl vampire reached out and tugged Karl's chains. Karl flinched closer to Quackity who just walked a bit faster.

"Can we please hurry and get our hello's done so we can go play?" Karl's voice held a beg to it. Quackity smirked.

"Little kitty all wound up after the stunt he pulled back home?" Karl instantly regretted doing the thing with the chains. He nodded humbly. Quackity ignored it and turned to a new person. "Hi, Foolish, I haven't seen you in a while. Been busy with Tommy's nest right? Meet Karl. We have to go find a closet or something. Karl wants to play." Karl blushed but tried to keep his head up. Foolish laughed and then walked away.

Karl looked at Quackity, he must have looked excited cause Quackity laughed. "You ready to go find Sapnap?" Karl pouted. "You gotta wait baby, Sapnap would get jelly if he didn't get to see you all hot and bothered." Quackity traced Karl's jaw then turned away. Karl frowned but then let Quackity drag him upstairs. They go into room after room until they find one with someone that makes Quackity go tense.


I really like writing this. Am working on more but I needed to back track a bit and that is less fun. 

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