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III. You're worth my time

Third Person's P.O.V

Weeks tumbled by and pulled along their familiarity to each other.

"Heyy!" (Y/n) gave her crush a surprise visit, yet for the visited one, the scenario wasn't unexpected itself. He's used from her casual intrusions.

"I'll give you some spare key next time. I'd prefer if you weren't loitering outside my place." He flicked her forehead then brushed her aside to unlock his door.  "Why didn't you texted before coming all the way here?"

They marched inside his home like he just brought a nosy cat.

"Don't ask." She sighed, tossing her bag on the table as she flumped down the settee. "You knew I wanted to see your reaction, sadly you're not excited nor shocked anymore~"

"So, what's your problem, Ms. (L/n).." He dropped his stuff on the chair, then took off his school blazer and left it on the seat before rolling his sleeves as he prepared some refreshing beverage in the kitchen.

"Wow. You think I personally came here for some counsel?" She scoffed, striving in his study room, scanning his book shelves.

"Basically." He replied, following up and serving her a glass of cold fruit-juice like an elder brother who's trying to amuse his younger sister.

"Yeah, that's one reason, but don't phrase it like that." She gulped her drink straight. "You think I don't care for you? Meanie." Grunts the sassy girl, shoving him back the empty glass as she snatched a magazine under his cabinet. "Besides your nerdy books, I knew you have a hidden porn mag- Eh? Just business magazine? Boring~"


"They say what you read is what you are.."

"Even if you browse all the books here, it wouldn't reveal my story, whole character and personality." He stepped out of the room. "Also, you'd be a sloppy psychologist if you're trying to be one."

"What the fuck? So, I suck at reading people is that what you're saying?" She blurts in disbelief, can't seemed to get used from his smart comebacks.

"No cussing."

Hearing him nag from the living room got her responding back with a tease. "Yes, daddy!"


Earning no words from him made her heave out a deep breath, discreetly switching next to his bedroom. "He doesn't get the naughty joke too. He's the one who's insensitive all this time ya see.." She mutters, shamelessly diving on his bed.

"(Y/n)! Get out from my room, please." He demands calmly. "If you're tired, I can lend you the guest room- Never-mind. You should just rest in your home."

"You're my home.." She utters softy.

"What're you mumbling?" Annoyed of her little whims, he scratched his head in a weary manner. "Let's just have dinner then I'll send you home. You've got homework to do right?"

"You should be happy a pretty girl in her school uniform is making time for you." (Y/n) smirked, but her smugness withered when she spots a certain picture lying on his nightstand.

" (Y/n) smirked, but her smugness withered when she spots a certain picture lying on his nightstand

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