S O F T | S T I R

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Killua's P.O.V
"Home.... yes.. take me to him."

Her eyes were clouded with longing and deep love.


"Ah.. N-Nevermind! I just got sentimental when you said you'll take me home. Sorry 'bout that." She laughs, shrugging it off.

"You miss him?" We walked together, slowly and steadily. It seemed like eternity for me.

"I miss him every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every week, every month, every year—"

"Okay, okay. It wasn't a necessary question. *ahem* What I should ask is... If you ever get the chance to see him even for a brief moment... what's the first thing you'll say?" I asked like I've come up with a brilliant question, turning to her as she whipped her head at me, returning a hard stare.

We stopped walking, standing below the dim, flickering street light.

".....well.." She was about to respond but she snapped her head down, looking down the ground.

A stir whirl inside me.

The soft stir once before, turned out to be a cruel stir.... a hurricane of sh*t feelings. It's not like I purposely want it to be like this. My fist clutched inside my pocket.

"Hey... um ..You don't need to answer.. Keep it inside your mind." I sighed, patting her arm.

"I see. I'll meet him soon right? That's why you're asking me this.." A smile spreads across her face.

"...yes." Pushing the floor, I take a step, walking ahead.

"Can you at least give me the details??" Her tone sparks with excitement, leaning closer.

That look. It's been a while since I last saw it.

"Give me a kiss and I'll tell you—"


I jumped back.

"I didn't mean it! D-don't just give something like that when you're already in love with Kurapika!" I hissed, placing a palm on the spot where her lips pecked while my heart reacted really weird.

"Oi. Don't get defensive like a virgin. It's just a kiss on the cheek. Whatever, now tell me when and how will I get to see him..."


We resumed walking, just another turn and we'll reach the house.

"So?" She hummed, waiting as she kept a look on me.

I'd lie to myself...

I'd deceive myself...

She's only a friend...

A dear friend.

Sometimes it's too much to keep...

But I've decided to bottle it up.


Home Is Where You Are (Kurapika x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now