F I N A L | P E A K

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Third Person's P.O.V

He had her hand...

It was supposed to be their happiest moment...

"Kurapika!!" Leorio speeds his legs to match the blood thirsty male. "That crazy— He got shot in the leg so he shouldn't be running like that.."



The past days... and weeks...

All that precious time...

Melted away like the snowflakes... Like a winter's fading illusion.

A mere pleasant dream....

Which they're forced to be awaken from...

The inescapable reality pulled them back.

A loop of tragedy.


Tracks of Kurapika's blood seeped in and dyed the snow red as he desperately sprints by the street then through the alleys. His lungs felt freezing as he huffed from the fast action...

Some witnesses were shocked by the blond fellow's condition as they fussed around like random civilians.

"Kurapika! Enough!" The tall man had fully grasped his arm.

"I just have to enter this next building..." He brushed off Leorio's hand.

"You think that person's still waiting inside to get caught? Come on, man. He should be long gone..." He punches Kurapika to sleep, knocking him easily from his wounded state. "Sorry man. Just this once... I promise, I'll capture that sniper and bring him to you." The great friend carries the unconscious male on his back, running back like a hero. "Hang in there, buddy."


The neighboring block was currently in a huge disturbance.. Policemen and investigators gathered by the crime scene as their siren echoed through the roads. However, another distressing noise blended as vehicles gave space for the emergency, giving way for the rushing ambulance.


"Killua, I got him. Are you guys in that ambulance just now?" He continues to run relentlessly.

"Yeah. How about Ku—"

"He's fine. My car's parked nearby. I'll meet you guys in the hospital. I'll contact Pariston—" He pulls the remote key of his car to quickly spot their ride.

"We already did. He's arriving with another council member named Cheadle. See you then." His voice cracked, unable to speak properly. Leorio could hear desperate nurses reviving (Y/n)'s vitals. One second of delay could kill the girl. She's critically hit in the chest after all, but miraculously, the bullet didn't went through the heart, near her arteries.

"She won't die. Breathe Killua." Someone has to say it, to convince himself and his friends.

Their call ended as he rashly takes Kurapika inside the car, laying his assaulted body at the backseat as he drives for the rescue.

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