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Kurapika's P.O.V

I've been uncovered...

"The king of the great bloodshed." Says a certain man as if he's carrying a dusk of brooding cape by his back, sending heavy presence around.

I know this person... The only big time individual who didn't attend the underworld grand ball.

"We believe that you'd conquer the underground society."

"Why?" What does he mean? I settled down on some elegant french seat as the supervisor of the biggest mafia organisation was somehow on his knees— The man lowered his head and pecked a kiss on my hand— A kiss where he vowed to submit himself with all possessions and men with his outmost loyalty.

"You're a calamity who stirred all mafias. You're worthy to be our ruler~" She simpers to my side. This sleek woman... I shouldn't have associated myself with her....

This is totally unforeseen.

It should've been the opposite... They should've killed me for the massacre I brought in that grand gathering...

I was baffled that some has actually become deeply dedicated for me... Especially this guy— who's a sole candidate to lead all organisations into one, now that the dons are long dead.

"Now that your downbeat group found me... Should I just kill you all? I don't need dogs tailing me around." I grasped the leathery armrest.

"Indeed. I found you... which makes you mine."

He doesn't intend to expose me but...

I smell the same acrid stench Chrollo has. This guy... would be troublesome.

"I heard you're interested with the phantom troupe?"

I gave him a vile look. "Looks like you don't understand me. I'll find them myself." I intimidatingly stood, sizing him up.

"Like a lone wolf hunting for his prey.. That's exactly why I like you." Even the way he laughs gives off a threat like Hisoka's. "Let me tell you... You're too obsessed with a single goal that she'll end up having it her way..."

"She? Who're you talking about?"

"You have too much in your hands... How about you join us. Together, we'd have the most powerful authority-"

"I said I prefer to work independently. I don't want any strings attached-"

"You have nothing to lose."

Is he trying to tame me or something? I clicked my tongue, losing temper.

I slashed the wind closely to his face, pointing the dagger an inch onto his eyes. "The conversation's done. Get out of my way."

His subjects didn't bother turning hostile on me.

"They're already captured. News circulated not too long ago." He smirks.

"By who?" I remained stern.

"The head of the known council of government, plus, the Nostrade organisation..."

Since when did both different sides started cooperating?

"I can lend as much help... Or are you okay with them stealing your prey?" He starts to reveal his colours. Everything about him screams bad news to me.

This isn't new..

Nostrades offered me that kind of position before...

But I'm the type of guy who doesn't sit in one place.. I wasn't particularly interested with being a boss anyways..

"I left my girl... so how much more to you? Do you think I'd stay and let you keep me?" My lips perked in a foul smirk.

"Keep up with the selfish choices, sir Kurta."

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"Hey old man, don't hog all credits. We did 80% of the work" I heard Killua carping like the usual.

The rowdy boys hangs by the lodge, obviously awaiting for my arrival.

I was really surprised. They could've told me sooner but they acted behind my back instead. They've really done it for my birthday?

What a ridiculous idea.

"Hisoka did the major part though." Gon sweat-drops.

"Mhn.. but if I remember, I handled most men here!" Leorio howled.

"Where are they?" I trudged in our base.

"Inside the chamber." Pariston guides the way.

"Where's Hisoka?" I asked while we ventured in such profound path with aligned guards securing the entire facility— A variety of guards that includes Nostrade's men and Pariston's unit.

"Out for some mischief." Leorio vacuously replies like he's used with the clown's attitude. It can't be helped, we spent time with each other throughout the process after all.

"What a speedy action? We've overwhelmed them.." I felt astounded.

We just captured an SSS+ criminals here.

"(Y/n)'s efforts made it work." Pariston softly pats my head like a fatherly figure. I sighed, can't decide my feelings. He's been helping me but I can't shrug the strange emotion that I still find him as a stranger. If I met him sooner, I could've saved Kurapika from the very start.

"Killua, what happened with Illumi and Kalluto?" I drifted my gaze to him.

"We're in full stealth and don't underestimate the heir of the Zoldyck. Still not gonna be the heir though." He clarifies.

He's willing to catch even his own brothers..

Killua's such an overpowered prodigy.. same with Gon...

These boys... would have more room for development in the future... What an epic duo.

"I see.." Anxiousness sprinkled all over my face. "Did you guys really handled them all?"

"Oi. You're still overestimating them. Their foundation weakened now that they don't associate themselves with any organisations you know.. They're still just imperfect humans, not Gods.." He tilted his head with a message of: 'Go see them for yourself.'

I guess so...

It's a new feeling to finally obtain justice.

"We can't start anything without Kurapika right?" Gon mumbles, entering a passcode to a volt-like doors.

"Let me entertain them for now.."

With 3 rattling doors unlocked, the 4th door slides apart, revealing a wide and transparent bulletproof screen.

The clear glass was the only boundary between us, keeping the lunatics locked for good.

My blood boiled from the sight of the chained group as I glared fiercely, sticking my hand over the smooth, flat glass as I slowly bawled it into fist. Rage swelled in me but I must contain them... up until the original plan worked out...

There's no escaping now...

"How are you doing, Chrollo?"

To be continued..

[A/N: Thanks for reading the chap. 🥰 I wonder if you guys felt tired with all the despair...😥 don't worry, the feeling's mutual. Lol! But please do enjoy the final chapters! 💞 Special shoutout for CrushXXX777 for making the new cover of this book! Thanks cousin! Go check her out!~]

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