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[A/N: Thanks for the feedbacks! So NO nen it is! Enjoy~]

Warning: V. I. O. L. E. N. C. E.

Phink's P.O.V

That fighting stance...

Hand to hand combat?

I sighed.

My specialty..

He's seriously going for it with me?

I guess the outcome's decided. I grinned, feeling the wild rush riding my body.

"Don't be oblivious. I'll beat you in your own game." The fierce glow from his scarlet eyes gave me a deadly warning.

Right... With that, his physical strength doubles..

He did managed to bring down our strongest..

But so what?

Strength doesn't secure victory..

I bent my knees low and firm, raising and tightening my big fists as I focused on the sole target in front. "This should be fun. Treat me differently from Uvogin. I'm not just all muscles you see.."

He took one big leap, charging with intense speed, closing in our distance.

But I can still read his movements...

He'll try to land a solid right punch.

I raised my guard on the left side, ready to counter his punch.

In an impossible timing, he managed to pull a pocket knife, thrusting it deep into my right arm.

"A feint?!" I instantly pulled the knife out, returning it to him with a swift throw, yet he evades it smoothly as the weapon stabs a complete different person.

"Tch." If I hadn't sacrificed my arm, I'd be headless now.

His agility was too advanced.

"You crazy f*cker—" The wound throbbed painfully.

It was a mistake. He did say he'd beat me in my own game. This bastard provoked me from fighting with only our fists just to lower my guard. I gritted my teeth, clenching my fists back as boiling rage found its way to my head.

He's far from that type...

To use a cheap and underhanded trick...

It's like I'm not facing Kurapika at all..

He fired a gun straight at me but I immediately rolled away. That skill was par with Paku... He just keep bringing surprises.

He continued shooting me down like crazy. "What's wrong?! Do you think I'm that f*cking noble?! Should I get flattered?!" His laugh sounded as if it's a villain's. "I'm not that nice you f*cker! The underworld doesn't have that kind of people!"

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