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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"How did you entangled yourself in this chaos?" He asks, obviously putting up a nice facade. That smile annoys me. We're not even familiar with each other.

"You're not the only one with questions. How am I your niece? Both my parents were an only child-"

Kurapika's grip turned tight, growling at the administration.

"F*ck. Like I give a damn now. We're in a hurry here to save my lover. Back off-"

"Let's just say your Father wasn't the real one and my deceased brother is. Let's talk about this in a private place." He opened an arm, inviting me.

"I don't care. Kurapika was the one who took care of me. If I'm really related to you, do me a favour and leave us alone, because we're going home." I sternly demanded.

"Walking out after wrecking a private estate... That's definitely a unjustified. Please, surrender yourselves to our custody. We're officially from the government's side. We won't lock you up or anything— We'll just politely confine you for legal matters." This time, the nice smile on his face dried up, throwing us some prepotent impression.

"My friend isn't in the condition for some testimony right now!"

"That can wait. Medical assistance is a priority. Shall we go?" They draw closer, making Kurapika violent as he prepares to fight while holding me in protection.

Author's P.O.V


"Excuse me?-" She cussed him in her head after hearing that.

"He won't go down without a fight eh?" The official named Pariston smirked. "Sorry, (Y/n). We're gonna tingle your stubborn boyfriend a bit.. Let's save some time okay?"

"You're planning to taser him with those?! Screw you all! He's not a wild beast." Leorio punched the nearest guy beside him, stealing his weapon.

"Don't force him do this! Don't provoke a hurt person." You gritted your teeth, bitting your quivering lips as you made a speech in hoarse voice. "All he need is space.. and he'll eventually calm down.. Please.. He had enough. He's... all messed up... Please.. don't harm him anymore.."

"My poor niece.. you're madly in-love with that man.."

Killua knocks a police officer, pulling him as a hostage. "Put that tranquillizers away or I'll blow this guy's brains out!-"

The unhinged adult gave the assassin a slow clap. "Zoldycks live up for their name— Mightier than our special agents I see.... Kid, just get out of here or you'll be grounded. Your family entrusted you to us so behave and go home."

"F*ck. Damn it all."

"Just go Killua." Gon wears a light expression. "We surrender." He raised his hands in the air. "So please spare Kurapika and (Y/n)... Our friend isn't for your scientific interests.. We can't entrust him to you. I know I'm not in the position to bargain but I'm begging you, you can't detain him out of his will."

"You're unexpectedly keen for a young lad. I guess looks can really be deceiving~" He hummed. "Like father like son." Pariston sighed. "Kurapika's blessed with such loving friends. Mind you, we don't intend doing illegal procedures."

He signals the unit to withdraw. "Very well. You're free to go.. Except Leorio and Gon... Ah. But we require all of you an aid. Perhaps, you won't reject our offer this time?.." He generously proposed.

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