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IV. You're worth my love

Third Person's P.O.V

*Months ago before he crossed paths with (Y/n) in that certain park*

"Please, don't wear that. It's a cursed item. I know it's meant for people who seeks true revenge.. But it'll only bring you huge misfortune after lending you its incredible luck." Izunavi warned, being the good teacher he is.

Both of them just entered in black market as the revenger sought for clues of his foe's whereabouts.

"We can still choose other charms in this shop. What significance will that hand chains bring you anyways-"

"Because there are people at large who need to be chained in hell-" He glared, storming off after buying his stuff.

"Put that thing away- Hey! Tsk. Fine! We'll keep it." The adult rushed beside his stubborn student.


*Back to present time*

Author's P.O.V

When they thought everything will be fine as they found comfort to each other, the inevitable tragedy of their story begun to unfold.

2 months later, after (Y/n)'s birthday~

"I really like the feeling when I woke up in his comfy bed when I knew myself I slept on the couch.." She chuckled, stretching and dragging herself up before sprinting out of his room.

"Kurapikaa!! You're home! You carried me to bed again huh?" The smug brat leaned on the wall, feeling like a boss. "If you don't like it, then clean up your guest room for me to use already! Why're you using it as a stock room or something? What a waste of space." Her arrogant talks keeps getting better day by day.

"Yeah right. You'll still nap around the living room because you wanted me to personally carry your ass in bed." He stared blankly at her after setting down his tea cup, just like a vexed dad.  "What a messy kid."

"T-That's what you get for allowing me for sleepovers." She laughed playfully, diving for a seat next to him, cuddling his arm like an annoying little sister. "Don't worry, I've got classes next week, so I'll just visit you like usual."

"Actually, no." He scrunched his nose, flicking her shiny forehead.

"What do you mean?? I know you can't sleep without me showing up once a day." (Y/n) teased, turning arrogant after he personally came to her door that night.

"Don't make it sound like that, brat." He scoffs, messing her hair as a payback.

"When can I visit you again then?" The silly scene came to an end as she sincerely replied, reading the tone and look on his face.

"Maybe after a week or so. I'll message you." He smirks. "Try not to miss me-"

"I'm missing you already!" She stuck herself like a gum on his torso, acting up like a dramatic lover just to badger this pure gentleman into taking back his words.

"You're such a brat!-"




And then it happened-

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