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Killua's P.O.V


"Stand back, brother." He beckoned with his arm.

"Wh-what're you—"

"I'm a member of phantom troupe. Is that much of a surprise?" He frankly says, folding his fan with a snap.

"It is! What are you doing?! Dad told us not to meddle with the spiders!"

"Then what are you doing right now?" He glares.

I sweat-dropped. "Well.. Uh.. I got reasons.. What about you?!"

"Kalluto, do you think you can beat me?" Nobunaga sneered. "Such an insolent brat you are." He swung his katana like he just cut through dust in midair.

"Not necessarily, but it's enough to stall you."


"GO!" He exhorted.

It's okay... He's a Zoldyck. I didn't particularly minded him but he trained hard just to match me.

Shamefully it may seem, I decided to run away with Gon.

Nobunaga is none of my business... I have to take (Y/n) back before we run out of time.

"Killua." Gon screeched his shoes, halting. "I'll stay."


"Don't worry, I'm with your brother. Just hurry!"

"Tch." If you have time to worry about others, worry about yourself. "You idiot." I tapped his arm with a fist then proceeded ahead.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"What do you intend to do?!" The moment I've woken up, we're already at the building's roof. I was chained around sturdy steel poles, tight enough to keep me standing while I was unconscious.

He also took off my mask..

"I wonder who's the real enemy..." He was reading a book by the edge. This man could afford to stay casual in the midst of catastrophe??

"You're the enemy!"

"Wrong. We're all enemies.. Consider this as battle between villains." He sets the book aside, running a hand through his slicked back hair. His black tuxedo was also gone— Instead, he wore a dark cloak with furs. He looked a lot different than the usual. He's dressed into a real wicked boss.

"Drop the squabble!" I forced myself out of this chains.

"You still think Kurapika would look at you the same way after all these?"

"Stop it! You brought all these to you!" I gritted my teeth.

"No, I don't think so." He stands, approaching. "You're the center of everything. You made it worse." He grabbed my face. "No matter how much you cry, struggle and whine, you wouldn't solve anything. You couldn't help him. You only cause him pain... grief. What could a weakling— a naive girl like you achieve from coming here?"

His cruel words cracked my shell, targeting my soul. "I know the end of this war... I've made Kurapika the way he is... I pushed him in accordance to my plan. That loathsome man will turn into a demon. No one will be able to stop him. All will turn into loss... And you.." He stared at me like he has seen thousands of deaths. "You'll just get broken.."

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