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Third Person's P.O.V

He sacrificed one of his brethren's eyes– No. He must've gave Cheadle a pack of it as her specimens. The tensed girl thought as she entered a certain cafe, searching tranquility by herself.

I should've thanked him... but a simple word of gratitude isn't gonna make up for it. He did something utterly outrageous for me....

Moreover... his lifeline decreased...

into 30 years...

So much has happened...

Come to think of it, I'm growing tired of everything, maybe so does he.... We're just not admitting it...

Because we haven't given up.

"Excuse me ma'am, can I take your order?" The staff snapped her thoughts back in reality.

"Um.. yeah.. a Frappuccino. Uh. Caramel macchiato."

She fiddles her engagement ring.


"Please make that two." Kurapika wrapped a hand around hers, easing her fidgeting.

"Kurapika. You didn't have to—"

"I want to grab a drink myself." He smiled, lifting her mood. "Add this too. Thanks." He pointed over the glass, knowing that she loved sweets. The gentleman paid for their bill like a second nature.

"Your hair length didn't return to normal. We should trim it after. Although you look good with either ways." He gently ruffled her hair.

"I'll actually get a trim by myself after this." She replied, twirling a lock of her soft hair.

The couple found nice seats at a good spot, settling over while awaiting their orders.

Her expression was blatantly glum, holding back the words and thoughts that's about to erode.

"(Y/n), why're you being so demure?" He snorts. "I kinda miss the old bratty you. Get fussy like the usual."

She sighed in exasperation, forming a lighthearted smile.

"Let me tell you something.." He smirked.

"W-what is it?" She pouted, narrowing her gaze.

"It was years ago.. Remember when you used a dating website to get me to notice you?" His mischievous tone made her a lot more curious.

"Yeah. It was crazy... I ended dating you." She looks away, recalling the shame.

"I just acted like all was a ridiculous coincidence.." He cleared his throat. "You're not the only one who installed spy cameras. I did that to you a long time ago.. It was just a small camera by your computer. And I managed to hack your pc as well so that I'd monitor your well being."

"What?!" Her jaw hangs wide open in incredulity.


They finally received their drinks.

"Interesting fact. Isn't it?" He chuckled, sliding a spoonful of cake inside her mouth.

She chew her treat and swallowed it in satisfaction. "Well.. well.. You've done a splendid job taking VERY good care of me."

"Did that upset you?" He interlaced his fingers together as he rests his chin over it.

"Depends. What else did you do?" She sips her drink.

"Trust me, I didn't get overboard with the cameras unlike you did. It's just a single lens guarding over you then." His appealing smirk automatically pardoned his secret from (Y/n).

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