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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

It was urge that brought me here..

I was standing idly by the certain doorstep.

It's been years since I climbed in this residence. Nothing's changed. Same ol' building.

It's our home..

"Excuse me?" A stranger confronts. "Do you need something from this place?" She politely asks.

I'm not surprised somebody's already living in it although my heart ached a bit.

This was ours... but it was long gone...

It's already in the past...

"Oh. um.. no.. sorry." I passed her.

"You must be the previous resident in this apartment. Forgive me if I'm wrong."

I smiled genuinely. "Yes."

"I see.. You must've cherished it very much.. The condition looks just like brand new.." She slides the key card. "Would you like some tea or coffee?"

"No, thanks. I just stopped here by coincidence. I should get going. Have a good day." I gave my farewell, wearing a light expression. She deserves it and this place deserves a nice owner.

A relief blew on me.


As for my next destination...

I traveled far to reach the shore.

Although it wasn't summer, the blissful area and waves welcomed me back.

Cool, salty air tingled the tip of my nose while gritty sand sticked by my shoe's sole.

The traces of my tracks were covered since the wind's pretty strong. God must've gave me luck.

I managed to enter this private property thanks to Pariston's card. He's a walking pass-slip. With him, I can access a lot of stuffs.

I breathed, prepping myself before proceeding at the particular spot.

I shouldn't get my hopes up. I sneaked around the villa's backdoor. Someone might be staying here. Let's just check a bit... I peeped by the window.


That suit, watch and that chain he's been wearing by his hand during the war— there's no doubt about it.

"Can't believe it. He's just under our nose."

I was just feeling all nostalgic and go for unplanned investigations so I visited here. He really didn't think I'd come here at all??




All the anger and betrayal I felt when he faked his death was instantly washed with longing and love.

I shook my head and wiped my teary eyes... There's no time to lose. I even argued with Leorio and the others to allow me spy him myself the moment we find him.

Home Is Where You Are (Kurapika x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now