T H E | A F T E R M A T H

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Third Person's P.O.V

"I knew it. That catastrophe 4 years ago wasn't a terrorist attack! The conflict didn't came outside, but from inside. It's actually some brutal underworld war. Journalists finally exposed the real hot shit."

"Wow. I'm getting goosebumps. Mafias are psychos."

"You know that notorious Phantom Troupe and that blond guy with his signature hand chain accessory?"


"They're the main cause of that hellish night."

"Blond?Kurapika Kurta you mean. I heard that young man made history in the mafia community."

"Many mobs died. Maybe this isn't their generation. Well, must be their own karma."

"Those two opposing parties cleaned up a lot though. Stirred up those outlaws real bad."

"Those rich, formal kinds of people are the worst kinds of demons in this country."

"This'll be an interesting bedtime story to tell to my kids in the future.."

A handcuffed girl casually trudged in the women's detention center, along with two female guards on her sides.

She just turned 21 years old...

An ex-mafia...

And the new Nostrade boss' wife.

"Ooh~ a new bitch!"

"Hey! Just because you're a gangster don't think you'll be the queen here, you dumb brat!"

All indistinct chatters and noises from the howling prisoners weren't reaching her ears one bit while passing those couple of cells. She was just viewing them as rabid animals, worst than a pack of barking dogs.

"Oi. I won't involve myself with her if I were you."

"What? You're a serial killer. Why have you gone cold feet towards a single bitch. She looks weak.."

"She'll be our new play toy. There's no reason to get scared shitless."

"It's on every news and papers. The boss of the Phantom Troupe, a.k.a the spiders, and the coldest mafia leader... They fought in the Sky-train!"

"What??! Who won?!"

"The whole case was private, that's all the public uncovered."

"Don't go changing subjects. That's got nothing to do with this new bitch here."

"There is! She just killed half of the troupe members in the subway!! She's (Y/n) Hill, Pariston's one and only family!"

As the new inmate stepped in the last cell with the worst convict as her cell mate, all the female criminals went dead silent.

The fact that the guards removed her cuffs made the rest back off.

Her mind's messed up, despite that pure looks— They all thought. (Y/n)'s prison neighbours nervously averts eye contacts with her, refusing to deal with such person.

"You guys believe that baseless rumors?" The strongest convict found in jail, pushed off (Y/n), quite miffed from all their overestimating commentaries.

"Stand up. What're you doing falling down the floor like a loser with just a mere push?" She squats down her level, grabbing her hair like an abusive stepmom.

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