B L I S S .5

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Author's P.O.V

His blond hair gleamed in the light as the friendly ray of sunlight poked his skin, waking him up by its warm sensation— It's finally morning.

He groaned, sitting up to pull down the drapes, preventing sunshine from disturbing your sleep.

The man wasn't delighted to wake up for this day. After all, time continues to flow, every second passes as he breathes. It was soon he'd meet the day he would leave your side. It pains him just by thinking about it, but he has already decided to take this path for both of your sakes.

He glanced at your sleeping figure that snuggled beside him, so he pulled and tuck the covers on you.

Kurapika was about to caress your hair but took his hand back, getting off the bed instead to fix himself in the bathroom.

Nothing usual, he just did a morning cycle routine, brushing his teeth, washing his face then drying it with a soft towel, gently patting it all over.

He takes time to look upon his pale features by the mirror, leaning on it before brushing his fingers up through his silky blond strands of hair— For a moment, he spaced out— Head swamped in thoughts.

"Morning honey~" The lady had finally woke up, peeking by the door with a refreshing mood. Kurapika greeted you back like his normal self, hiding all the traces of sadness behind his tight smile. "Good morning."

The gentleman planted a sweet kiss on your forehead then handed you your toothbrush, pulling you to the sink as he went behind to fix your messy hair. "Gosh. I'm not a kid. Stop pampering me." The girl mumbled in a lazy tone before she begins to brush her teeth.

He let out a sigh and continues to comb your long (h/c) hair. "This isn't pampering. It's normal for couples to do this kind of stuffs together."

"Okay~" The spoiled girlfriend hummed.

The man left for her to independently do the morning routine by herself.

He went down to the kitchen, preparing breakfast.

"I'm very lucky to have you. Like you know, not only you were my guardian, big brother, best-friend, but of course my boyfriend! You could be everything I need in life~" She cooed, skipping towards the kitchen counter.

"After the incident you became very clingy. I understand that and I don't hate it. But you can treat me just like then. Don't worry, I'll be extra careful for myself." She slomped on the chair, watching him make simple sandwiches.

"Did your parents had a talk with you? They're worried sick you know." He replied, still not lifting his head for a spare of glance while he spreads the filling on the toasted bread.

The two continues to have their casual conversation like a newly-wed couple in the same roof.

"Mhn. They did. They tried to convince me to live with either one of them but of course I declined. I like staying with you after all. I'm happy to hear their concerns but still.. I won't change my mind." The sweet girl answered, helping him in the kitchen as she prepares a hot green-tea, putting a bit of honey just the way she likes.

"Did you enjoy your stay here?" He asked, setting the sandwiches on a plate.

"Of-course I did. It was the most wonderful break I had once in a while or maybe in my entire life?" She chuckled. "But you didn't have to go with all the troubles just to make a perfect setting like this. Though I'm grateful. My trauma's gone. I was recovering fast and it's all because of you." She expressed dearly, bringing the two cups of tea on the table. "I'm fine with anything just as long as your with me."

The location of the dining area had the perfect view of the gorgeous beach since its near the balcony. The salty, and fresh morning sea breeze helped with the therapy, relaxing your nerves as you indulge a peaceful environment.

"That's great." He delivers the food, sitting across the table, facing you forward. Both of you ate the simple, yet relishing breakfast. "So what do you want to do after this? We just arrived here yesterday... so wanna go swimming or something?" He suggests, eating the well-made sandwich, glad that it turned out alright.

"Another bath together?~" A teasing smile formed on her lips.

"Not a chance." He scoffed, shooting it down.

"Eh?? But you're asking me what I want." She scrunched her nose, cranky.

"Is that what you really want? Just taking a bath together??" He smirked, turning your own statement against you.

You rubbed your thighs together and twiddle your fingers, regretting you had opened this topic that both of you avoided to have last night.

"Can't you wait until we get married?" He continued to tease but he was kinda serious.

You weren't familiar with the weird feeling you had whenever he makes out with you. It urged your body to have something further than kisses. "....but... It's not enough." She uttered, mind and body completely messed.

"I-it's your fault too you know... I know I'm still studying and I'm still about to enter college next year... but I'm a girl undergoing through puberty... but then w-we kissed and stuffs like that...not to mention it's just the two of us here... and.. Obviously I would--" You paused from talking when his face turned completely flushed.

"Aren't you too old to still undergo puberty? Well... I guess your hormones are the ones to blame." Kurapika cleared his throat, almost out of words as he covered his face with the back of his hand, thinking that her libido might actually be strong since she's been horny these past days.

"Um...erm... IT'S OKAY I'M NOT FORCING YOU OR SOMETHING. I COULD  WAIT." You wave your hand in a flustered manner. 

He twitched one brow and muttered. "Just so you know, it's a lot harder for us guys to hold back."


"I'm sorry, we should stop kissing from now on to lessen the urge." He added.

"EH?! That's cruel." Tears pricked in the corner of your eyes. "I don't want that!" You protested, slamming your hands on the table, getting shock by your own action later on.

"Wait... Calm down for a minute." He grunts in agitation, doesn't know what to do in this complex issue.

"We should start by cooling off by the beach okay? Now finish your meal then start preparing. We'll go for a swim to wash out your thoughts." He concludes, finishing his tea.

"Y-yeah, that'll do. Im so sorry! I went a bit crazy... I don't know what's wrong with meee."

"It's fine. That's normal. I understand." He sighed, getting back composure like a respectful adult he is.

[A/N: Oh no. Reader-chan's getting impatient. 🙊🙈 Let me know if you guys would like to read lemon, I'll think about it. Please wait patiently for the next chap. Thanks for reading!~]

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