B L O O D | B A T H

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[A/N: Reminder, this is a ModernAU so NO nen involved and stuffs.  Thank you. Enjoy~]

WARNING: Violence, etc.

Author's P.O.V

Music died.

All lights went out.

Everything was pitch black like death came to reap souls.

The messy panic was avoided by the help of the drugged wine since more than half of the crowd drastically decreased.

Groups of organisations went fully hostile, treating everyone and anyone as a threat....

And when the lights came to life....

You were gone, along with Chrollo.

War embarked.

Traitors from all over the different dark organisations were originally part of the certain head master's group.

"What's the meaning of this?!"

"You held this event for blood bath?!"
"Damn you!"

"Traitors!! Seize them all!!"

"You'll regret this!"

Several big bosses grew wrathful to the guy upstage.

"I just had to." He says, pulling off his ginger hair which seems to be a wig, revealing his true blond hair, breaking off everyone's limiter.

"Prepare yourselves, for this place will be a massive graveyard ." Hell reflected in his eyes as it went in a deeper shade than his scarlet mask, parched for revenge.

The entire room flipped into a huge uproar. 

It was an all out war between Kurapika and the spiders— A deadly retaliation from the whole underworld society.


"You're not him... Where's the head master?!"


"Kill him!!"

Groups charged at him, except for the phantom troupe who remained low.

"What?! He's being watched by Shizuku and—"

Nobunaga cuts Machi off. "Boss swapped them for Kortopi and Paku."

"Then he shouldn't have escaped!" Franklin savagely shot bullets that completely massacred people with their meager guns.

"Where's Boss?" Shizuku searched all over while smoothly beating opponents in her way, stealing their tools then switching for the next weapon laid down by the ground. I prefer to have my heavy cleaning items... Cleaning off something needs to be done by my proper equipments after all.. The innocent-looking psycho thought to herself.

"He got (Y/n).. Main mission, to capture back Kurapika." Phinks mercilessly crushed some who tried to kill him while he advances for the stage like a beast he is.

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