EXTRA - III pt. 2

397 19 15

III. You're worth my time

Third Person's P.O.V

It would've been cuter if they were kids, and she's the playmate who often visits the reserved child...

Adolescence made it look like (Y/n)'s courting Kurapika— According to their nosy neighbors' perspective.

The day after (Y/n)'s hundredth neighborly intrusion, he anticipated her visits can go for an eternity at this rate.

It's like his deceased clan sent this angel in their behalf to alleviate him from loneliness— Having the abrupt thought, he suddenly felt heavy and guilty, dousing himself under the lukewarm shower. He just got home from school.

Nevertheless, he haven't told his friends about this certain girl, his involvement to the mafias, and his future plans against the troupe. Of course, neither he'd tell everything to (Y/n). Kurapika believed these matters should go in proper order. He must wait for the right opportunity to keep things at bay.

Committing with revenge, he didn't even notice he's already living in many facades; the model student, the perfect school-president, the reliable and loyal friend, a mafia leader, the revenger, and an ideal brother to (Y/n)— whom just broke her constant visits this very day.

He already bestowed her a duplicate key of his home which should've encourage her to crash in more than usual- So why suddenly miss a visit?

Letting such thoughts cross through his mind, he sighed in disappointment. Whether he likes it or not, he already grew accustomed to (Y/n) the moment he subconsciously felt emptier without her presence.

"When did I get dependent on that kid?" He adjusts the shower valve then slammed his hands on the wall.

*phone rings*~

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*phone rings*~

He closed the shower head then stepped out to answer the call.

"Yes, boss?"

Another order came up. The busy man barely stays in one place.

"...Understood." He shortly replied and transformed into a darker version of himself— The badass mafia.

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