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(Y/N)'s P.O.V
~At School~

I'm never gonna repeat that again. Kurapika scolded me like a bickering mother.

It's Killua's stupid idea in the first place. But I guess I'm stupid myself since I did it anyways. =.=

I sprinted through the hallways, rushing to find the certain silverette.

"Oi, I messed up. But it was worth it." Since I got a date with him.

"Pfft." The silverette bursts out laughing. "I-I didn't expect you'd really sign in a dating website HAHAHAHAHAH!! Are you an idiot?!"

"Stop it Killua. That's so mean." Gon slapped his arm.

"Eh? Is that so?..." I felt my suppressed frustration boiling into anger, making me snap.

"Die jerk!" I punched his gut, enough for him to fall on his knees, close at vomiting his chocolates. "I hate it when someone makes fun of me." I fiercely stated.

"Y-yes." Gon backs away.

"Oh, of course I'm not referring to you, Gon." I turned soft.

"Shit..." Killua uttered, still wincing. "Your own problem has nothing to do with me. Why don't you just confess already if you really want him to notice you." Killua held his stomach. "Gorilla woman." He cussed under his breath.

"Huh?" 💢 I scowled, rolling up my sleeves and bringing up a solid fist.

"Gah!" The surly male withdraws. "Let's go, Gon." He grumpily marched away.

"Sorry about him, (Y/n)." Gon apologised in behalf of his friend, clasping his hands together.

He's so nice. "Don't worry about it. I'm all fine now." I sighed.

"I'm really sorry--" "Gon!!" Shouted his annoying friend. I wonder why these two are friends. They're opposites. "Don't shout at him!"💢 I glared at Killua and looks back at Gon with a complete nice aura.

"(Y/n)! I'm sure that man loves you. Good-luck confessing." He grinned, walking towards Killua and waving back at me. He's an angel.

Wait.....What?? Confess?? But....but...but.. I held my cheeks, getting flustered.

Killua's P.O.V

"Oi Gon, how do you do that?" I asked, baffled about the fact she's so nice at him but not to me. That's a friggin unfair treatment. I gently rubbed my abdomen.

"Mhn. What do you mean?" He replied.

"No. Nevermind." I mumbled.

"Eh?? You're making me curious." Gon whined.

Who's the guy she's crushing on. It looks like unrequited love-

A blond guy in black-suit passed us by the corridors, and both Gon and I immediately caught the familiarity as we called for our close friend.


Eventually, he stopped walking to turn back for us.

Kurapika's P.O.V

"Guys!" I coincidentally bumped into my old friends.

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