U N D Y I N G | L O V E

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"You asked what do I know about him?— I know him better than you, (Y/n)." These were his last words as I plummet down.

It was a classic slow motion.

Colour drained from their faces as my best-friends rushed to save me.

But it's no use.

I closed my eyes from the realisation.

I knew I'd regret this stupidity as much as I'd regret not doing anything for him and went home just like that.

I couldn't even let a tear slide...

didn't have the moment to feel..

Gravity took control of time.

Flash of memories bursted in mere second like an eternal loop.

"Things might not work out in the future.... But if it does.... I'll return and make you my bride."

My eyes went completely alive.

His promise gave me miracle as I voiced out his name.


In a split second, my hand reached for the hanging chains, clinging my life in it as I grabbed within the last spur of time.

"(Y/n)!!" They called but can't do a thing as long as he stands in the way.

I dangled back and fort.

I can't hold much longer..

Gon and Killua continued to shout words yet all sound were nulled as I focus my whole senses to him.

"Kurapika... Please let me see your face.." I muttered.

He was writhing and struggling to stand.

Pain continues to destroy him as he extends an arm to my direction, grasping air.

Our fates were meant to suffer if we're bound together.

I never wanted him looking like this.

"It'll be fine.."

It's fine to let go now...right?

"I love you."

My grip left the steels....


And with one last breath, strong hands hoisted me secured.

I was covered with the warmth of nostalgia.


His fierce eyes were literally crying blood....

His breath was uneven...

His muscles trembled from the mighty will that squeezed what's left in him— His undying love for someone like me.

Home Is Where You Are (Kurapika x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now