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Third Person's P.O.V

It was a cozy roadtrip.

The skies, trees, pavements, were in a mesmerizing palette of snow.

Topping it up with a classic romantic playlist, the whole scene's tuned sweeter.

A lovely start of the day— Like nothing could possibly go wrong.


He released a low sigh, leisurely driving.

"What's up? Keep your eyes on the road." The girl noticed the slight shiftings of his eyes to her then back to the front every now and then, like he was agitated. "Kurapika, let me have your hand.."

The man dropped a hand for her to hold as he grasp the helm with his other hand, now driving at ease.

"I guess it's worth to celebrate a Monthsary.."  She chuckles while her lover's lips curved into a small smile. "The month was ending peacefully isn't it?"

"Yeah.. um.. Actually, this is the very first day when we started dating before... So it's more of a Anniversary than Monthsary." He awkwardly informs.


"What?! You actually remembered that??" She squeezed his hand.

"...." His expression went dry from the insensitive response.

"Pft." She laughs. "I'm sorry, I was messing." She leans close to peck some apology kiss on his cheek.

"You sure you didn't actually forgot?"

"Hey! I've marked every significant event in my life on the calendar.... especially about you." She whispers the last part.

"Oh.. Really?"

"Of course! Heck, I even remember the day I saw you naked on—"

"Excuse me?" He faked coughs. "I was referring with our first kiss and stuffs.. That'll be more significant than seeing me naked on what again??"

"No! Erm.. Forget what I've said!" She stretched the seat-belt strap, sticking by the corner as she saw her flustered reflection on the window.

"If you say so~" He scoffs, gently holding back her hand.

. . .

".... Hey... I know it's distasteful to bring this up, but.. what have you said to Chrollo and the whole troupe?" (Y/n) asks without any emotion attached in her tone, tilting back her head over him.

"That... I'd rather leave them to suffer, rot and die in the hands of the Kakin family..." Not even a single muscle strained on his face as he bluntly answered the question, keeping his head straight.

Indeed. The raging fire's bound to be snuffed out after leaving it ablaze for decades.

It was exhausting.

It was agonizing.

Hatred tore parts of them.

This would be another chapter of their lives— A season for renewal.

"You know... I couldn't count the cruel curses I've chanted on them, either words or thoughts.. No matter how much I've said I'd kill them all— In the end, I settled this way. It could be the best choice to end their existence for good." He says without contempt in his eyes nor tone, turning the wheel left and drifting the car from the slippery path.

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