H I S | B L O O D L I N E

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Third Person's P.O.V

*Hours ago*


"I could drill this bullet in your head if I mean to." (Y/n) growled as she intentionally shot Pariston's left clavicle. "I'll make this crystal clear. I don't want anything to do with you anymore. Don't touch my friends, family and my man. Never show your face to us again or I'll kill you."

"I had my men undercover and investigate Tserriednich Hui Guo Rou whom you gave the phantom troupe to." Kurapika slipped out the photos from the small envelope, leaking the evidence on his face.

"The 4th prince plans to use the troupe against some of the princes in their succession war. Truly a terrible coincidence because I'm also hired to protect Queen Oito and her baby daughter.." His calm voice was intimidating than his usual fierce tone. "It's all back to square one eh?"

"You- You're despicable!" Her fist was about to land in his face but she ended up grabbing his collar instead, almost choking Pariston to death. "Did you fucking let them off for your own profit?! I regret relying and giving you my sincerest gratitude.." She scoffed. "It always felt like you'll never feel like a genuine uncle."

Pariston finally gazed back at her.

"I really hoped we'd become a family but you're not someone who's fitted for compassionate roles such as that." The ends of her hair turned into a raging scarlet color that climbed up till her scalp as her hair grew a bit longer.

"(Y/n).." Kurapika uttered in shock.

The woman only noticed the incredible change after a lock of her hair slides down from her shoulder.

She stumbled back in surprise as she gazed on the spotless window that reflected her image.

She stumbled back in surprise as she gazed on the spotless window that reflected her image

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"The effects." Cheadle spoke from the door, getting in such timing. "Seems like I interrupted." The green-haired lady walked towards them.

"Wait. What do you mean effects?" (Y/n) looks at her then back to Kurapika who avoided the contact.

"Oh.. Kurapika, you haven't told her yet?" The doctor sighed and faced (Y/n). "Him and his clan are the reason you're still alive. I made a genetic artificial cure. The effects aren't harmful but it slightly altered your dna. I thought you'll at least get the scarlet eyes, but the hair's not bad."

(Y/n) was still in disbelief.

"Just like their psychological nature, your hair turns into fierce scarlet whenever your emotions skyrocketed. I hope you don't mind the small transformation. At least your health's better than the usual and your body became resilient than normal humans. However, you won't inherit their inhuman strength so your life isn't in danger—"

Kurapika gave a tap on the doctor by her shoulder as his sharp gaze told her to leave. "We're still dealing with a little something here.."

"She's not done talking yet." (Y/n) glowers.

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