T H E | L E T T E R

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Author's P.O.V

You erupted in grief as you hysterically drilled your way out from everyone. "Move! goddammit!! He's not dead you liars!! Leave me alone! Why can't I see him myself?!" Everything drove you crazy, creating huge commotion in the facility.

With no other option, staffs injected the patient with a tranquillizer, successfully bringing you down as they returned you in the room.

The next thing that happened was you waking up in a crowd of certain people.

It was already late afternoon. You slept half the day away.

Gaining strength, you pushed yourself up, leaning your back on the bed-board.

"(Y/n)!" Your half-sister Caren, initiates a hug. 

"Everyone, get out." You looked upon the window, avoiding their gazes. You felt deeply numb as it sent them chills.

"Come here." Aware of your sensitive condition, your mother pulled Caren away, leaving you with space.

The boys remained.

"He.. requested himself... to keep his body away from you. He wished to be cremated." Gon informs platonically, light fading in his eyes.

"Here.." Killua places a letter over the sheets.

Your head fell to the piece of paper below your lap.

"He's... He's really gone?.. Please I'm begging you.. Say the truth." You buried your face in your hands, trembling to receive the answer.

"...yes." Leorio winced, turning his back as he ran off, killing you with his response..

Misery took over your sunken heart, shattering it into mince as you cried 'till your eyes dried. You couldn't bear seeing their faces so you continued to mourn in your own palms.

Both boys turned more heart-broken from your state, deciding to give you some privacy alone as they quietly left.

Your mind was entirely blank as pain fully engulfed you. No one in this world could ever comfort the devastated girl.

No words will be enough to describe your sorrow.

Time allowed the girl to express all her grief.

You sobbed and weeped until you turn wretched weak, tucking yourself back in the bed as you closed your swollen eyes for a moment.


the sound of the fallen envelop gained your attention.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I picked the letter I've almost forgotten because emotions completely overwhelmed me.

My fingers traced the corners before I brushed it open, unfolding the note.

I breathed calmly.

There's no doubt about it...

It's his hand-writting.

Although my blood shotted eyes were already burning, I found myself crying once again.

Dear (Y/n),

          With the remaining time I had, I decided to put all my feelings in this paper. Tears are words that needs to be written after all.....

You wouldn't imagine how excruciating everything was until you came into my life....

I never thought I'd find another purpose. I never thought I'd willingly fight for someone else's sake.... I never thought I'd dream life like a normal human... I never regretted the times we've spent.

I really believe that you're the greatest thing that ever happened to me... that's why I couldn't forgive myself when I've hurt you with my own hands....

Maybe it's better if our fates didn't crossed at all, that'll be better for you. Knowing you, you'd still be able to walk in a brighter path... you didn't have to experience drowning in despair with me. There is no greater sorrow than to recall happiness in times of misery..... When I've left you within a couple of years, I kept myself busy with the things I do, but every time I pause, I still think of you..... I've missed you so much that I felt dying... I wanted to come home straight at you.

           How lucky I am to have someone that makes me say good-bye so hard. So instead, let me say thank you... Thank you so much for loving someone like me..... You deserve all happiness in this world... I want you to be strong. I need you to live...

            Thank you for holding my hand one last time...

            I love you 'till my last breath,

The letter was bursting with our precious memories that I've soaked it in tears as I repeatedly read it with my eyes over and over again...

I couldn't find acceptance as I clutched it unto my chest...

I could never... love someone like this again..

To be continued....

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