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Leorio's P.O.V
"Hey man, I think you should take a day off. It's so not like you to space out." I tapped the certain troubled guy.

"Uh....Sorry what?" He replies like he's half asleep.

=_= That face tells me he got some romantic issues going on.

"The company will be fine. Just loosen up sometime lover boy."

"You need to accept our boss' offer for you to take a break." I grinned and playfully slapped his back.

"What??...mhn.. Alright then... Make sure to get the job done. I'll inform boss. Thanks Leorio." His eyes lightened and his lips formed into a tight smile.

"I'm reliable you know! I could even steal your position while you're gone." I mumbled, crossing my arms.


=_=💢 That signature smirk of his again... He think he's so fine?

"Just get going dude.." I slumped down the chair, resuming back to work.

Kurapika's P.O.V

I released a deep breath.

She's not handling it well.

She hasn't eaten dinner last night and she skipped her school today.

Slipping a hand in my in my suit's pocket, I pulled the phone, ringing up my boss. "Yes, this is Kurapika. I would like to accept and use my day off for personal reasons... Yes.... It's fine.... No..... Alright... I understand....Thank you..."

*call drops*

Now then... for that handful girl...

She won't pick up. I sighed.  Makes sense....

~Time-skips. @home~

I'm presently standing at her door, having a strife with myself. "Hey. (Y/n), you should come out and eat. I brought your favourite snack." I beckoned her with a sweet tone.

. . .

Okay... No response. Bribing her won't do...

I can easily force my way in but that would worsen the situation— Let the talking do the work.

I cleared my throat before a second attempt.

"Come on, you can't skip school and meals for days." I leaned my head on her door. "I'm worried...."

"You don't need to get worried! I'm a grown up lady!" She growled grimly.

So this is what rejection feels like.

"So stubborn." I shook my head. Seriously... keeping that tough act again.

Her faint sniffles pains me. I don't like this awful feeling at all...

But if I give her a chance and it wouldn't work out then... She'll get even more broken.

"Be my girlfriend then? Let's see how it'll turn out."

Was I about to self destruct right now?

"No. I meant-"

The door suddenly creaked open, revealing a furious woman.

"Huh?!" 💢 She stomped out, bangs covering her eyes as she approaches me like a serial killer in horror movies.

I fell few steps back from her intimidating advance. "(Y/n)-"

She raised her head, stripping from the dark aura. "Yes.. Finally~" She whispered, extending her arms on me.

My heart feels weird.

I gave her a warm embrace, gently caressing her head.

"I can't take it anymore..." She whimpered.

Her subtle allure gave me some inappropriate ideas for a sec-

Her temperature- She's sick!

"Medicine..." She muttered.

Immediately, I carried her in bridal style, returning in her room and laying her back to bed.

Good grief. I tucked her under the covers.

Home Is Where You Are (Kurapika x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now