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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Pandemonium continues to whirl within the mafias and dark organisations. The phantom troupe— The biggest traitor that schemed secretly behind their backs, and most importantly— Chrollo hired Killua's brother to kill the 10 dons..... What do they expect from the former group of murderers and bandits? To work with fidelity? Of course the troupe were always up for some mischief. They were originally criminals after all.

What you reap is what you sow... they say.

"What's this? Go home little girl."

I arched a brow. I thought they're desperate for man power since they're open for hiring. Look at them, being strict with age?

"I'm here to help you capture the phantom troupe and bring back prosperity to your organisation." I removed my tinted shades then crossed a leg as I sat. Wearing a mafia suit makes me feel really fierce.

"Such big words for a young girl." The current head of the Nostrade wasn't convinced as he glared intimidatingly.

He's quite young himself.

I gave him a mocking sigh, interlocking my fingers together on my lap.

"I'm the only niece of Pariston Hill. Hire me and you'll gain closer allegiance with the government." I slid the documents on his desk, goading him. "Please check my resume and others that you need for qualifications. I'm sure you'll need me than most of your staffs."

We had staring contest for awhile before he laughed maniacally. "Very well. You'll be the youngest employee— 4th year college student you say... I have high expectations, Miss Hill. Observe adherence and perform greatly for this job. I'm sure you know how mafias work.."

It's good that the Nostrade was still on their feet after that hellish war.

"Absolutely, boss." I stood, brushing my hair back.

"You remind me of a certain young man.. back in those days..." He puts off the tobacco in his ash tray. "It's a shame he betrayed us.. And now he's dead.."

I gripped my bag's handle, hoisting it over my shoulder.

"Kurapika is it?" I scoffed.


"That man raised me." I smirked, standing from the chair as I head towards the door. "Thank you for your time." I bid before departing.

Now I'm going with the same path he took..

Show me how you struggled in this obscene committee, Kurapika.

I'll atone for the things I lacked as your lover.

I'll get you home soon.

"You..." The bluenette interacts.

I stumbled with Neon along the hall.

"Ah.. We met at the party right?... *ahem* It's a relief that you're well, miss Neon." I smiled, proceeding ahead. "I'll be looking forward to working with you." I wore my sunnies, stepping out of the place.

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