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(Y/n)'s P.O.V


"I said welcome home, (Y/n)." Like all the tragedy didn't occur, he blissfully smiled at me.

"Why aren't you in the hospital?" Was the first thing I blurted as I threw myself into his arms, hugging his waist that seemed to have gotten leaner after being a confined patient for many weeks. "Jeez.. Having a drink by yourself here.. Did Dr. Yorkshire gave you permission to discharge already?"

Why do I sense something amiss?

"Hospital? Dr. who? Calm down.. Why're you crying?" He asked consecutively as if he had completely forgotten all about it, acting perfectly like the greatest paid actor. "How's your day at school?" He cupped my cheeks, giving me a baffled face.

But.. everyone knows he's not the type to fool around beyond the belt.

"You.." I instantly pulled away in shock and perplexity, slumping down the floor, unsure of what reaction's plastered on my face. "What? Are you having amnesia right now? School? I've already graduated college you know.."

"Oh crap." He quickly stood after checking his phone, dropping his college I.D. for a second. "I've got night classes. Don't wait for me and go to bed early.."

"What kind of sick joke is this? Am I having a time travel right now?" I picked his University card, jolting up in panic with cold sweat forming on my temples.

"(Y/n), what is wrong with you?" He went back to me with his open palm beckoning for his I.D. "Are you pulling a prank on me again? Can I have that back?"

"Nah.. This must be a dream." I slapped myself so hard that I stumbled back in return as I bumped my head on the wall.

...We were hugging earlier too. This felt too vivid to be just a dream.

"(Y/N)!" Kurapika immediately held my shoulders, holding me still. "Why did you do that?! What are you doing?! Stop being crazy-"

"Damn. It hurts. I could even taste metal in my mouth.." I mumbled to myself, gently patting the sharp sting on my cheek then licking the corner of my lips, tasting faint blood. "If you're a college student.. then.. I'm still a high-school student.. around second or third year maybe.." I tilted my head towards the glint by the corner, looking at our figure in the flat mirror by the side.

"Wha- Of course. What kind of nonsense is this??.. Seriously." He dragged me inside the kitchen and gave me a cold-pack to cool and aid my swollen right cheek.

Now that we're both standing as he led me by the hand, the height difference turned more apparent. I'm guessing I'm in the body of my 14 or 15 years old self..

I just realized, but the entire setup just turned into his old apartment back in the city, located at the corporate street.

"I swore I got myself a cab and got home to our small villa by the beachside... I even remember picking the key beneath the pot so vividly.. What the fuck?" I muttered.

"(Y/n), have you gone crazy?! What happened to you?" He pinched my bruised cheek.

"Ouch!" I slapped his hand off. "You wanna know what happened?" I threw the icepack to the table. "You fought to death with Chrollo in that skytrain, then you got yourself into a fucking life-support while I was imprisoned for weeks. We're at war with the rest of the Phantom troupe after we got married!!" I burst out crying, yet held up my head, looking back at him.

I felt alone... even though he's literally here..

He just froze for a minute with a horrified and puzzled expression.

Home Is Where You Are (Kurapika x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now