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Chrollo's P.O.V
So that girl...

Is his weakness...

I folded the laptop and scattered the datas on my desk, scrutinising them.

"Paku." I called, gesturing my personal assistant. "Tell the others we're having meeting tonight."

"Yes." She simply replied.

"Also, we'll need another style to catch the real boss behind the ten dons." I poured myself another drink of champagne.

She nodded her head and promptly acted on my orders.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V
"What to buy~" I hummed. "We had stew yesterday.. then... curry?" I scanned the vegetable section, concluding a choice.

"He prefers light meals these days though." My eyes calculated every nutrition from the options.

This'll do. I picked certain ingredients.

After grocery... Time for some personal shopping.

I'll prepare a romantic dinner and then.....

My fantasy got wilder as I stared at the seductive nightgown. What's wrong with making the first move- I mean we're already dating so-




"Right. No need to rush." I flipped my hair, strolling away from temptations. "I'm such an extra~"

I bought my favourite milkshake as I kill time with some window shopping.

It's still early to go home. Kurapika's still at work...


A familiar person appeared— A tall and classy man stopped right in front of me. We basically ran into each other as I wander around.

"You're that girl." "You're that man!" We said in chorus.

"Ah." We said in unison for the second time— Double jinx.

We end up chuckling as a reaction.

Eh— what am I doing? I shouldn't get friendly with Kurapika's enemy. I realised and stopped smiling.

"I'm Chrollo." He offered a hand.

"(Y/n)." I replied and accepted a handshake with him.

"Care to have lunch with me?" He politely asked.

"Excuse me?-"

"I'm not forcing you. Eating alone isn't my thing you see... And I'm already starving." He simpered. "My colleague flake out on me."

"Well... sure." I answered. "But I'll have to bounce in half an hour. Is that alright, sir."

"Of course.. and you can address me by my name, (Y/n)." He seems to establish a friendly bond.

However, he's shady as hell.

If Kurapika won't spill anything, I'll find out myself.



What's with the cross tattoo and earrings though?? Doesn't match his suit. My judgmental habits pestered.

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