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Third Person's P.O.V

The nobleman's secret wedding commenced.

Attempting to cover and backup the personal matter with her uncle and her lover, (Y/n) mingled naturally with the guests which eventually led her into contact with Bisky and Hanzo.

"This was setup by my friends??"

"I hope you guys patched up. One of the prince already knew they've got intruders so we gotta go." She phones Kurapika.

"Ah. He's currently with Pariston.." (Y/n) whispers.

"We don't have any long." The man utters, taking his leave.

"See you around, (Y/n)~" Bids the real-life barbie, sprinting away.


"Don't think this is the end, Chrollo. Guard your backs. One wrong move and it'll be your demise."

Kurapika had his last words with the Troupe before Pariston left the vicious criminals in the hands of Kakin family.

A business trade par with human trafficking isn't really new with politicians and royalties.

One little thing, there was a problem:

One little thing, there was a problem:

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"It's true. The Kurta clan held those scarlet eyes." The fourth prince from the elite empire was apparently obsessed with him. "You made one of my businesses into a mess because of that war.... So now.. I want you to work for us to death."

"Pardon me, that'll be impossible." Pariston cuts the conflict, pulling back Kurapika. "My niece wouldn't want that. You'd prefer if she didn't hold a grudge against your family... She's the one who caught the whole troupe as we all know." His dark aura clashed with the prominent prince.


"You're defying my orders?"

"I don't work under anyone else's except Netero's."

(Y/n)'s guardian shifted the trouble to himself.

"Pariston." Kurapika grabs the official's shoulder, stepping in front of the royal prince. "You're not the only one who's after me. Don't think highly of yourself." He spoke boldly and arrogantly which struck them badly. "And I'm afraid that even if I worked for you, I might end up being the heir to your throne."


"Pariston, the agreement is— You're gonna give me the whole troupe.. And he's part of it." He pointed Kurapika's chest, indicating the tattoo mark beneath his clothes.

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