T H E | W E D D I N G

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Third Person's P.O.V

A wedding as a catalyst of war would be absurd—

Faking a courthouse marriage is an option for the couple, but it would be a disrespect of their romantic ideals.

The private site was located by the beach side, par with a small paradise. There, Kurapika and (Y/n) officially exchanged pledge— The peak of their relationship— A dream come true.

"*sniff* *sniff*" Leorio and Gon were in tears of joy while Killua provided them with tissues.

Their trusted acquaintances and co-workers, including few from the Nostrade association held back their tears, viewing the blissful matrimony in complete silence.

The presence of only the closest and selected friends were invited.

"Do you both pledge to share your lives openly with one another, and to speak the truth in love? Do you promise to honor and tenderly care for one another, cherish and encourage each other, stand together, through sorrows and joys, hardships and triumphs for all the days of your lives?" The court judge spoke with his sincerest tone.

"We do." The bride and groom genuinely vowed with the loveliest smiles on their faces.

As the event resumed, guards patrolled outside— in-charged with the look-out, while mafias surrounded the place in every corners, and secret agents lingered in the shadows, fulfilling the task given by Kurapika, performing their first phase of mission.

"Do you pledge to share your love and the joys of your marriage with all those around you, so that they may learn from your love and be encouraged to grow in their own lives?"

"We do." They replied in sync once more. Time felt like an eternity for the couple.

"May these rings be blessed as a symbol of your union. As often as either of you look upon these rings, may you not only be reminded of this moment, but also of the vows you have made and the strength of your commitment to each other." He presented them the exquisite rings on its small, fancy box.

" He presented them the exquisite rings on its small, fancy box

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"Kurapika, please repeat after me ..."

The judge's words weren't reaching her ears any longer when Kurapika himself started to speak of his lifetime vows towards his one and only beloved bride.


"Kurapika, promise to love and support you (Y/n) and live each day with kindness..."

"understanding, truth, humor, and passion.."

"With this ring I thee wed.."

He gently takes his bride's hand, placing the ring on (Y/n)'s left ring finger, holding each other through their passionate gazes. "I will always do everything to get back home to you.." He whispers.

(Y/n) bit her bottom lip, trying her best to refrain from spilling tears.

"*sob* *sob*" Leorio was basically crying at this point, while his two younger buddies pats his back in comfort.

"(Y/n), please repeat after me ..." The judge continues.


"(Y/n), promise to love and support you Kurapika and live each day.."

"with kindness, understanding, truth, humor, and passion. With this ring I thee wed.."

Wholeheartedly, she recited back the promises. "I'll always wait for you..." She adds in low tone.

Everything they've been through surged deep into their hearts, urging an outburst of tears as they entwined hands.

All sorts of overwhelming emotions were felt, but LOVE dominated their feelings.

They were truly happy.

"Go now in peace and live in love, sharing the most precious gifts you have- the gifts of your lives united. And may your days be long on this earth. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

He pulled her by the waist as she slings her arms around his neck, tying their fates together with an act of a heartfelt kiss.


Cheers echoed the reception before a bomb was dropped, sending violent tremors in their celebration.

As expected...

The Phantom troupe gave them a shocking gift-

Or so the villains thought.

"They're finally here.." Her soft expression grew dark before she threw her gorgeous bouquet and blasted a thick smokescreen.

The heavens favored their plan.

"Dispatch into phase two." He commands to his men while leading her out.

"Time for the ambush." Killua relays to his own assassination team via his ear-piece device, sprinting out.

As for the court judge and other officials, they were escorted to safety by some members from the zodiac council.

Leorio and Gon nodded at the newly weds and immediately went in their assigned positions, guarding them discreetly as the couple went down the stairs.

"Stay behind me." Kurpika draws his gun out, along with his seething vengeance. "Let's give the uninvited guests a good greeting."

To be continued

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To be continued....

[A/n: Omg! Now the hype is coming, I'm excited to write the final chapters!! I can't believe this book's ending soon.


Expect the unexpected up next...]

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