H I S | L I F E

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Third Person's P.O.V

Weeks glided by. In due time, Kurapika had fully constructed a private underground monument for his clan, giving a final and peaceful burial his whole family deserved.

"I'm sorry it took time... Rest in peace everyone." He stands in solitude.

"Pardon my intrusion, boss. Someone addressed these to you." A Nostrade clerk enters, presenting an additional member of the memorial as well as giving him the attached letter.

Kurapika simply looked at the person in the eyes.

"Please excuse me." The lady instantly perceived the message so she bows and leaves within a second.

Kurapika quickly sorted the package and aligned them along with those dead yet bright scarlet eyeballs before he opted to get home...

He's as much exhausted as yesterday. Nevertheless, he opened the letter and reviewed its plain content, lounging to the sofa.

It wasn't actually the first time someone had bestow his clan's eyes as a tribute for his congregating devotees.

He once turned fugitive who didn't have the guts to rejoin any organisations, but now, the dauntless man chose to abandon his past.

Despite all disputes after he presented his living flesh to the mass of society, he harnessed enough alliances which outweighed his swarming enemies.

Organisations who failed to handle the controversy amongst themselves began to dismantle, thus, prompted more allies under Kurapika's control.

Given the consequences so far, he seemed favoured by gods, but behind his reclamation was the pride he gave up as he ounces every bit of what's left in him to face his one original boss—Neon. The heiress was pleasured to have Kurapika back but she will never forgive the betrayal.

Like a lost knight he was, he had to make amends— He bestowed an oath— To make her thriving corporation the heftiest, allowing her to achieve vengeance for the tyrants who stepped over the Nostrade family and redeem her glory.

Elusive as it looks, he was willing to cause an abomination to whoever dares to stand between him and (Y/n)— If imminent danger keeps coming after one another, then he will have to insure his dominating victory that could possibly subjugate even an entire continent.

Kurapika reclined his back on the cushion, letting his head rest.

Even the soft radiating rays couldn't lighten his sullen features and thaw the cold gaze he held

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Even the soft radiating rays couldn't lighten his sullen features and thaw the cold gaze he held.

He appears deluged with the underground engagements and political affairs.

Home Is Where You Are (Kurapika x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now