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*Hours earlier—*

Third Person's P.O.V

"What happened with your hair?"

"Does it look bad?"

. . . .

"No. It suits you just much. You're always cute, (Y/n)." The childlike uncle brought out assortment of sweets from his fridge, spoiling his one and only niece...

She ate the slice of her favourite cake in a dull mood. "...This girl you called cute just killed a man not too long ago."

The pleasant mood shattered. It wasn't any different from their usual talks though, but this time, (Y/n) found a particular choice of words.


Although she intended to turn his aura upside down, he simply pours her a cup of fresh juice. "This might be urgent for you, but I was ordered by the Imperial family to submit them the troupe. I'm sorry to say, but I can't have you and Kurapika killing the criminals... It's now out of my hands.." Not even a shard of feelings slipped from his face as he formally explains, not as her relative but as a respective official.

"... He's coming." That was the only reply (Y/n) uttered.

"You're looking at me as if nothing matters but him.... Rest at ease. I only said we're not allowed to harm the group. We shall proceed with the plan."

"What will happen to the troupe?" She asked with a narrowing gaze.

"We're sending them away within a couple of days. Who knows what will happen to them but it won't be any great, I assure you." He flips a document's page, stamping it with a red mark.

"Who are these people exactly? I'm surprised someone could overpower you."

"Kakin the royal family.."


After their brief meeting, (Y/n) immediately went with her specially arranged unit....

The operation commenced when Hisoka sent her the exact spot and location where Kurapika would eventually appear...

Back-ups were already in full stealth, prepared for the ambush. She just have to send the signal and they'll instantly shoot the target with tranquilliser.

It wasn't sheer luck nor coincidence. (Y/n) crossed the certain road knowing that Kurapika's maneuvering the crazy silver-lambo.

*present time—*

Kurapika's P.O.V

My heart jumped out of my chest as I instantly pulled the car, preventing it from running into the girl...

But it wasn't any other girl...

It wasn't just a regular civilian either...



She can't see me does she?... Her simple gaze penetrated through me, although the windshield's tinted darkly.

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