F A M I L Y?

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Kurapika's P.O.V
"Seriously?! You've got a girl living in your place??- For four years?! What the hell, you've never mentioned that?!"

Again, he desperately tries to stick his nose on someone else's business. "Leorio. Just do your job. You're getting buried alive by those loads of works waiting on your desk." I glowered, carrying the files to hand for my boss.

"You're so boring. Can't believe someone would genuinely fall for you. Man, you've been stoic ever since. You just have the looks but it's useless in so many ways. Stop wasting your life." He replied with a conceited grin like he just came up with a really great speech- When in reality, he's just disgruntled- He thinks his best-friend kept a secret from him- Leading him to the conclusion- I've betrayed him.

"I'm sorry, Leorio. Don't get me wrong though. I'm not keeping her as a secret because I'm dating her or something.. The thing is-"

"Yeah, yeah. It's cause to protect her." He cuts off. "But aren't you doing a bad job at it? Got no intention to protect her love for you?"


"I'm just a concerned, helpful friend. Yeah no problem for the advice. Welcome~" He added, getting all mighty like usual to hide his gnawing frustration.

"What?! She's a family. She's like my sister. We've known each other since I was in high-school." I stopped walking to turn back and face him upfront. "She's 17 while I'm 21.. Consider the gap. She's not for me, so enough with the baloney. Get over it."

"Eh? Really?~ you know what, girls that age undergo a so called puberty. You might be a smartass but you're dumb at this one." He wiggled his brows.

"The average age of puberty begins at 8 to 13 years old. You should've known your facts better if you'll be a doctor--"

. . .

"Man! All I'm saying is that- Teenagers have raging hormones!" Leorio continued to bicker.

"That's ridiculous. She's not like you when you're in her age! Don't talk about her like that."

"I just know it. That girl definitely likes you. She's definitely in-love with you. Man, how lucky~~ If you don't want her then hand her over to me." He continued to speak arrogantly.

"You sure like to run your mouth a lot this early morning." I clutched the folders in my hand and laughed wryly as I crossed my arms while an irk of tick mark popped on my temple, feeling a rising irritation.

"Like I said, I'm just a helpful friend of yours. Don't worry, I'm here.... Your life's just gotten better." He responded in a cheeky tone, offering a hug with that stupid expression of his.

I hate him. I can't believe this guy... =_=

He's getting a lot hyper than yesterday- Stress??

"Is that so? Then how about fixing your own life before concerning yourself on mine." I smirked wickedly as I placed another set of paperworks on his desk, watching him shrivel up in despair. "Since I'm also a good-friend. Here." I gave this guy a cup of coffee to shut him up before departing.

"Thanks..." He cried. "How about I give you some awesome tips about romance as an exchange and you do my work instead." He offered, fidgeting his hands, trying to be cute.

I wore a stern, blank face. "I would never take lessons on someone who haven't experienced romantic relationships. Love is never my priority. Now shut up and start finishing that pile of trash."

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