L A T E | N I G H T | T A L K S

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Third Person's P.O.V

After the heart-wrenching face off, it's time for their friends to break in.

"We're still friends... aren't we?" An old friend stepped inside the area. His benign gaze expressed all kindness in this world.

The blond male stares at him, thinking how much the adorable kid grew more than being a valiant fighter.

Kurapika didn't even had the chance to look at his friends clearly like this ever since the harrowing events. "Gon... Do you resent me?" He asked, although he knew himself this wonderful person isn't capable of hating.

"That question.... I'll ask it back to you. Kurapika, do you resent us?" Gon leaned by the wall, keeping his hazel eyes unfeigned.

"Kurapika. You've gone way over the line." Leorio sternly pushed the bridge of his specs with a finger, adjusting it right. His appearance was just as the same as before, yet his character has undoubtedly flourished just by hearing him speak with composure. "It's our job to drag back a friend who lost his path."

"It threw me off when you guys haven't prepared my funeral back then... and it turns out.. that the least guess I wanted to make... came true."

"Then why haven't you taken some clever action? Maybe you really want us to find out...?" Leorio scoffed. "This is the b*llsh*t of all time in history."

Kurapika's eyes traveled back to the door.

"If you're looking for Killua, he went after (Y/n)... and maybe it's better if you don't get to see him at this point." Leorio approaches his best buddy, clenching his jaw as he kept a tight fist inside his pocket. "Those two have gotten really close... Close enough to give the other one a kiss.."

"Leorio!" Gon separates both before one loses temper.

However, Kurapika stood in silence— An eerie calmness that comes before a storm.

"Make a choice. Us or that fate you kept pursuing?" The tall friend snarled.

"You heard the whole drama with (Y/n). I think you already got the idea, Leorio." He callously replied then simply walked away.

"Your clothes are this way, sir Kurta." A courteous staff assists.

"Oi. Can't you see we're still talking?! Who's in-charge of you??" The same ol' Leorio loses his cool, lashing at the innocent trainee.

"Mr. Pariston, Sir! E-excuse me, but I was tasked to give a full vip treatment for sir Kurta-"

"Take me to that guy." Kurapika grabbed his collar, earning a forfeiting shriek from the random male. "H-he's currently out of the city so t-that appointment would be impossible, sir!"

"You're not lying aren't you?" He glared, making his knees weak. "Y-yes.. s-sir."

"Tsk.. Tsk.. Ironic question— You're the biggest liar among here." Leorio was still beefing with Kurapika who just released the poor employee with his wrinkled collar.

"About (Y/n) marrying Chrollo, was that true?" His sharp eyes flickered into scarlet.

Both of his friends knew the answer, yet they kept their lips sealed.

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