H E R | D E D I C A T I O N

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Author's P.O.V

Caused of your brazen feelings, they've spilled everything at last...

The sickening revelation got you insanely mad.

"Dammit! Why didn't I think about it before... I didn't expect it would be Chrollo! He f*cking did those stuffs?!" You covered your mouth, feeling nauseous.


"We understand you but don't get too loud now..."

"You know... I... I care-freely ate lunch with that killer... H-He talked to me like he's all decent.... It's disgusting!" Your voice turned hoarse as you openly released anger.


"No. I'll be the one who gets to kill him." Emotions blinded you as you reach for the door, intending to fight ahead.

"Hey! Get serious!" The three males forcefully restricted you, grabbing your arms as they pulled you back.

"Let go! I'm tired of this! ...I'll end it! It has to end!" You tried shaking them off, stubbornly following the only thing in your mind.

"Fine! Put your life on line or whatever I don't care anymore!" Killua snapped. "But do you think you can easily have him by yourself?"


Silence encompassed.

You've calmed down as your eyes went hollow.

They steadily frees you.

"Let me hear the plan..." you've released ice cold words.

"We've been waiting for this only chance... Every 7 years.. Mafias— The whole underworld organisations gathers for this event. They're powerful enough, since the government can't even lay a finger with these matters... Heck, some politicians were part of this too." Killua pours himself a wine to drink.

"Kurapika planned to wreck havoc in this very moment... Even if there will be war, it'll be secluded from the society... out of public matters. Even if hundreds of people were about to get killed right now. The cause of their deaths would remain hidden, unknown in these shadows."

"Then what do you guys intend to do?" You approached him closer.

"About 10 minutes... The dancing will begin. I already prepared the drinks, to be served at that moment. It'll cause massive disturbance.." Leorio says, getting your attention.

"Poisoning? That's simple.." You scoffed.

"Well, just watch.. We have no time for chattering. We need to get on position." Killua alarms.

"Killua, your family's here right?" Gon asks, inserting weapons in his suit.

"...yeah. I guess I'll get to assassinate them too." Killua loads his combat pistols full.

With a deadly dagger, Lerrio stabs a book by the table. "Don't bother. We only have the troupe as our sole target." He fills his revolver with amos.

"We mess this event, then we mess with all organisations here... We're merely pebbles getting into storm.." You scowled.

"Now you're making sense..." Killua sighs. "We got reinforcements. People having the same goal as ours that is. The process for preparing this plan is a lot more complex than you think it is."

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