U N R E Q U I T E D | L O V E

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

After school, I eagerly went at the luxurious yet simple residential building- His current address.

I accessed his code lock and hummed as I casually walked in like I own the damn place.

It seems like he's not yet back.

He's such a workaholic.

Kurapika's a fresh college graduate yet big companies were desperate on hiring him. Well, just as expected by Mr. Perfect.

I threw my bag and other stuffs on the couch and headed straight for a relaxing shower.

I hope he arrives soon.

Mom and dad have known him over the past years but it's not like they care. They have their own families anyways, but still supports me financially.

My lips curved into a bitter smile, drying my hair with a blower as I stared at my reflection on the wide, rectangular, and spotless mirror in the bathroom.

Of-course I've asked myself several times if I'm just a nuisance... though he always says I'm like a family to him, like a sister- and that's how important I am to him. Well, that's just that. Even though I have feelings for him, I'm happy to be one of his priorities.

I marched pass the lounge.

Gotta cook~

His place was spacious, neat and nicely built in modern style. It's amazing that he got these all by himself.

Anyhow, the guest-room was like my own room... half of my things were vacated here.

I started to cook in the kitchen, preparing for dinner. At least I've done some helpful stuffs like chores and cleaning rather than just being a spoiled free-loader.

It's just little things compared to what he has done for me.... but I'll show him that he can also rely on me.... that I'm not the same person as before.... that I'm an independent and grown up woman who can cope up with him.

"Ouch!" I winced, dropping the knife after I've accidentally cut myself.

"F*ck-" Reflexively pressing my bleeding finger on my lips.

I bent down to pick the sharp cooking-utensil.

"What the- did you just curse?- (Y/n), what's wrong?" The certain guy who wore his usual handsome business suit stood behind me. He begins loosening his tie, removing and putting it aside.

"Ah, you're here." My throbbing cut came numb, totally forgetting about the pain after seeing his angelic face.

He frowned at my wounded finger.

"What?" My bottom lip perked outward.

The blond male sighed, gently pulling my hand in the running water to clean the wound. After that, he made me sit on the couch as he aids it.

"It's just a little cut." I mumbled, scrunching my nose.

He raised his head and now we're having an eye contact. "It still needs to be treated." He replied and continued to put the bandaid. "Let me do the cooking." He ditched his blazer then rolled his sleeves.

"N-no. I'll do it. I'm better than you in it." I insisted, pulling his hand.

"You're being rude. It's not that bad, I create edible dishes you know. I might not be an excellent cook, but unlike you, I don't cut myself or get all clumsy." He eloquently replied, furrowing his eyes.

"Pft. Just lemme handle it. Don't make a big fuss about this. It's not like I've sliced my hand off. I can still cook!" I stood, sticking an index finger on his chest. "Just relax here. You're tired, okay."

He ran up a hand through his majestic blond locks, letting out a breath then flopping down. "Fine." He cleared his throat.

"Geez. Treating like I'm incapable brat." I groaned, returning at the kitchen.

"I'm just worried." I heard him say.

I've already adjusted my role as his sister-just a sister...... but he makes it difficult for me. He's not the one to blame though. I'm the one who fell for him and feelings can never be faked.

I proceeded chopping vegetables and meat. "I'm just wondering. D-do you have a girlfriend? I-I mean it's not impossible for you to have one." I engaged a conversation which I immediately regreted.

"You do know that I don't have one. I have no time for those things." He answered, leaning his back on the couch, resting his head on it with eyes closed.

"Ah....I see.." A ray of hope flashed upon me.

"So, uh... What's your ideal type of girl?" I continued as I stirred the ingredients together in the boiling water.

"What's with these questions?"

"Oh come on, just answer it. Don't tell me you don't really have a slightest interest coz you're gay?" I scoffed, sprinkling condiments on the food.

I like gays. No problem.. But for the love of God, please don't make me rival both sides for his heart.

"Interests huh.... The complete opposite of you." He stands.

That freaking shattered my heart in an instant, sucking the soul out of me.

"Just kidding. I was teasing you back since you did it first." He chuckled.

You're the only one who could really turn my mood from hundred to zero real quick! I gripped the ladle, spicing up the food with my intense glare, tempted to feed him some shitty meal instead.

"If the girl's kind and strong-willed then it's not hard to fall for them." His answer finally sounded sincere.

He was about to get in the bathroom but got postponed when I asked another question. "When will you get one??"

"You're really into this." He leaned on the wall with arms crossed, smirking. "(Y/n), don't tell me you like me?"

My eyes widened and my chest stops beating for a second- Every actions of mine as I prepare the dish were completely nullified.

"D-don't take it seriously." He entered the bathroom.

He definitely knew it- That I have feelings for him.

I blew it. Damn.

He'll surely change the way he treats me. He might think it's his fault for leading me unintentionally. Things will be awkward between us.



I shouldn't have pushed this kind of topic to him in the first place. I sulked as I knelt down with crestfallen expression that grew paler every second.

It's over.

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