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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"Quit it Caren! I'm gonna see him!" My little sister tries to pull me back in the room.

"(Y/n)?" We bumped with Killua.

"Guys...?" Gon came after, walking upstairs as he meets us three.

"What are you all doing here?— Oi (Y/n). Don't start okay?" Leorio also went by, coming from a door.

There was a short pause.

Tear marks were visible on our faces.

"This is the most coincidental timing."Caren mutters to herself, slowly backing away. "Sister, please return to your room. I need to pee for a bit..." She whispers before fading out from the space.

"Where are you guys going?" Killua asked as the four of us exchanged gazes.

. . . . .

"I see. Then let's all go." I broke our circle, walking ahead.


"It's you again..." I tediously replied.

"I'm Pariston. Pardon my late introduction.." He cleared his throat. "There's no stopping you now is it?... Fine. I'll lead you to him.."

He led us in the facility's basement where they keep special cased patients.

And by the end of the path, steel doors await.

I felt heavy as I took rapid steps.

As soon as I reached the door, I slammed it open...

And it was empty..

"Where is he?" I tugged Pariston by his collar.

He simply points the sitting vessel by the bed.


"No..." The boys fell back.

My mind went blank as white as my sight blackened away.

Pariston's P.O.V

"I don't want it. That's not him.." She slumps to the floor, broken.

"(Y/n), acceptance would be undeniably difficult but we must respect his death." I fetched the urn, placing it down, right in front of her face.

Kurapika's friends had their eyes overshadowed in grief.

I sighed. Absurd.

"This is not..." She opens the lid, witnessing the remains. "How could I know it's really him? It's all ashes now..." She held the urn unto her chest, listless.

"That's right... Show us some footage from cctv." Gon, the sunny character went awfully grim.

Just imagine their expressions if I told them he's alive...

"Sure.. Do you really want to see him getting inside the incinerator?" Although the corpse was fake, it matched their friend exactly from the camera.

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