D A N C E | W/ | T H E | D E V I L S

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Author's P.O.V





All guests were called to dance in the entirely vast ballroom.

Everybody switched into the main motif. Sticking their elegant yet venomous masks on their faces before mingling with strangers.

Looking too fine and exquisite as they enjoy the luxury made by their stinky, dirty money has released the suffocating stench of evil throughout the enclosed area.

One word to describe this grand ball— Wicked.

Celebrating the event was one free trip to death.

(Y/n) mysteriously stood in between these gigantic open doors, glancing at every corners, ready to prey for him any moment now.

"...lovely." A random call. The anonymous guest allows himself to take your hand. He wore an inky purple mask that suited his raven hair.

"Care to dance with me?" He kissed the back of your hand.

The lips which pressed on your skin felt like a poison ejected through your veins.

(Y/n) automatically rejected such act, tightly holding his hand in return. "Yeah. Sure. I'm delighted." You took back the force from your grip and forced a smile instead.

It was quite disturbing to see people with their uncovered lips as he twirled and waltz you around. It seemed like all was smirking at you deviously.

A bewitching tune mixed with indistinct spiteful chatters made everything a lot more unpleasant.

The orchestra played their instruments slow— A sound that was par with a requiem, far from your liking as you felt somewhat heavy.

"Ya good?" You partner asked, slightly pinching your waist to gain your attention.

You looked into his eyes— sharp onyx eyes that were overshadowed by his mask. "Uh.. N-no nothing at all. Just having a hard time matching your graceful steps."

He formed a half smile.

Judging from his height, you considered him as someone with the same age as yours.

And with another spin, you caught a glimpse of silverette.

The mood was well 'till the stranger got a bit aggressive-

Uncomfortable by how this man gave closure between his and your body made you unable to dance well.

"I-I should go now.. I'm looking for my friend." You tried to break away but he pulled you deeper in the crowd, trying to lead you towards the center.

"Maybe it'll be romantic if you danced with him is that it?" He whispered mischievously then flings you off to a complete different man before you could even process.

"W-wait!" You tried to reach for him but then this second guy swayed you away. The certain motion made you lose sight of your first partner.

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