G R O W I N G | D A R K N E S S

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Killua's P.O.V

"Even the clouds looks depressing as hell." I held my head, resting on the hospital's rooftop.

Brisk wind fanned my body.

"F*ck! I'm so f*cking weak. I can't even protect a friend!" I punched the wall, clenching my jaw. "It's my fault... It's my fault!"

I was so infuriated that I failed to notice the tears that already came through, sliding on my cheeks..

After his death, everyone's in despair.

We're on our own-selves, trying to recover. I sniffed.

We spoke directly with him that night... He was struggling for life..

I couldn't forget the look on his face.

I kicked the bench then slammed a fist by the wall.

Despite hesitating for it, I should check for my friend's corpse before he really gets cremated.

My soul will never be in peace if I don't see it myself...

But our conversation and his letter for her are more than a proof..

Maybe I shouldn't. Should I just respect his decision? But I need to see his body with my own eyes..

It doesn't feel right..

Caren's P.O.V

(Y/n) would always tell me about that certain man...

But apparently, the man she loved died..

If I remember.... He was named Kurapika...

I peeked by her door.

She was staring into nothingness...


I decided to enter her space.

"Sister?" I spoke softly as I can be. It looks like even a slightest vibration could ruin her fragile state. I've never seen her with that expression.. I don't want her looking like this... I took a deep breath, handing her the bottled water as I sat on a chair, peeling her something to eat.

She turned her back, ignoring me in reply while she lays down, wrapping her body in the covers.

I frowned, feeling my throat dry. What can I do for her? What can I do for my sister? I wanna cry.

I know I'm nearly 10 and still young but I somewhat understand all...

. . . .

"(Y/n), please eat... Ms. Nurse told me it's time for your medicine." I solemnly reminded.

Her small shoulders began to tremble again...

then it was followed by her sobs..

I can't watch her anymore but I wanna be here by her side. That's all I could do. I set the sliced snack on the plate. She could at least recover some strength by consuming nutrition. "This fruit... eat it if you love Kurapika.."

She rose up and drank a bit of water before taking her favourite fruit in her mouth.

Water leaked from her eyes as she chewed the food.

Tears found their way out again as it constantly dropped, bursting like a dam.

"Caren, it doesn't have any flavour... I can't taste anything..." She returns it on the table, miserably shutting herself beneath the blankets once more.

I bit my lip, clutching my dress. "Tell me what you want.."

"I want him back." She cried. I could really feel the emotion behind those words. "Please turn back the time... I want him... I miss him so much." She grieved. "It hurts... Everything hurts..."

I sit here with my tightening heart as I listened to her cries.

"If this pain will continue to eat me every morning... I'd rather die. Can't you see? He's gone.I can't see him anymore. I can't touch him.. I can't hold him ever again!— I just can't lose him!" She sprints to the door.


Kurapika's P.O.V

"Mark my words. You're completely hidden."

"Alright." I packed the luggage full.

"Your eyes express no shred of feelings... You're cruel you know that. I'm only doing this because you've cared for her more than anyone.. Your friends... especially her.. they're mourning over you.. Are you sure about this?"

"I don't deserve them after all that... Do you imagine what kind of future she'll have with a man like me? Forget it. I need no help from anyone. I'll hunt down Chrollo until the depths of earth, may it be hell." I cracked my neck, glancing at the picture of (Y/n). "Time will heal everything. That girl can move forward, because I know everything about her."

"You decided all this when that strawberry-haired guy came up to you.. It's not too late you—"

"Pariston, don't tell me what to do. You've never shown yourself to her since she was little.. Not even once..." I glared. "Her family's a mess because the father couldn't accept her.. and the mother couldn't forget her first man... Nonetheless, (Y/n) is still lucky.. she's blessed with a pure heart." I locked the safe which stored my family's memento.

"...You think you can survive without her? That's just for now. Later on, you'll wish to die yourself.."

"Mind your own niece instead. I'm never coming back." I grabbed my trunk, pulling it across the floor.

"What if I told her the truth?"

I scoffed. "You'd never do that.."

"You're alive... speaking, moving, breathing... but I find no life from you."

"It's because... I am dead." I left the basement.

"She'll find a guy someday and marry him... You're really sure you won't regret it?"

"That's something she'll decide herself, it's none of my business. Nothing's left now... I have nothing... I'm sure.. this time, I'll have his head."

"I smell darkness sprouting from you."

"An eye for an eye, an evil for an evil... If this will cost me absolute victory, so be it."

To be continued..

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