E X T R A - I

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I. You're worth waiting for

Third Person's P.O.V

It hasn't been very long when the attention-seeker went for another unexpected visit.

And not too long ago wherein she casually attempted suicide— To jump down the building in front of him— The second both interacted.

However, she wasn't a plain brat towards him for no reason.

(Y/n) instinctively clung to him. A mysterious connection she could no longer ignore.

This weary teenager waited the whole day by his doorstep. She purposely missed her classes.

The eleven year old girl felt ill in her overall being.

Approximately 7 hours have passed, and yet he wasn't back. Though she already anticipated this from the diligent student.

Despair almost swallowed her up completely as she kept her empty gaze straight on the wall, spending her time alone, doing nothing but patiently awaiting for his return like a pure psycho.

"I have to say... You'll put my neighbour's loyal dog in shame if you're sitting there all day long." His ragged breathing told her he dashed straight home.

"Why's the elevator still under maintenance?" He muttered to himself while wiping his glistening sweat with a handkerchief then brushing his fingers through his clear scalp, and locks of blond hair.

Hearing his calm tone always brought her peace.

(Y/n) didn't had the chance to respond nor meet him in the eye when he swiftly pulled her inside his place.

She almost whimpered when his warm and tender touch landed on her skin as he grasped her wrist, because that wasn't the only thing he took ahold of, he also held up her mind and heart together, breathing life back in her.

Before she knew it, the handsome male became a necessity in her life.

Sensory lights automatically went on as soon as they entered, trudging in the living area.

The blond male gently pressed her shoulders down, allowing her to sit on his couch before he dropped his stuffs inside his room.

"It's painful to watch you— An acquaintance from this building told me that." The sixteen year-old Kurapika sat on a chair across her, heaving out a long sigh. "Now tell me why you look a lot more dreadful than the first day I saw you."

He knew she needed someone to lean unto, so he was treating her with hospitality and kindness as a proper human-being.

Kurapika thought their contact would be temporary, so he did his best to offer counsel whilst limiting an attachment.

The silence she expressed was deep and the two could only have a moment of visual communication.

"What happened?" Again, he asked, tapping a finger on his wooden table.

He received no reply once more, so he went in the kitchen and grabbed her a glass of water. "Keep yourself hydrated at least." He took her hand and forced her to accept it. "If you want to be here, drink that in exchange." He pats her by the arm and returned in the kitchen area to prepare her a dinner, wearing a neat, white apron with his disheveled school uniform beneath it.

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