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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Gun powder, bomb gas, blood, crumbly smoke, rusty chains— just recalling the events would make me gag.

*bzzt* *bzzt* I rustled my fingers in my pocket, pulling it out to answer the call.

"... I'm fine... I know... About the favour I asked....... That's right. If anyone would, I'll be the most worthy to bring justice for him... Lend me one of your units..... Fine. I will then." I cut the call, marking it concisely.

The government handled the scandal themselves. Pariston and the council are in-charged with the investigation and scouting of the entire building, resolving conflicts with few inspections and appraisal. That estate originally belonged with one of the richest dons in the world after all.... yet we obliterated his possessions just like that.

It was everywhere in the social media. 'Terrorist bombings in the **** estate— Huge crisis.'

Covering up for the country's underworld trade market huh? I slid the phone back in my jeans. Mafias were secretly planning retribution against the phantom troupe and Kurapika's group...

Three weeks passed since his death.

I just had my hospital release.

And I find myself wandering after a while now..

Out alone, I strolled by the pavements while holding an umbrella as the heavens cried until noon.

My soul was still longing so here I am, retracing the very first spot where we once met.

The park looked glum and lonely without some lingering people.

The playground and rain in the background was filled in nostalgia...

It was exactly like this... I recollected the scene..

I continued to stood in silence, finding peace as I've made up my mind.

I'll have the troupe's heads. They're mine.


. . .


My eyes widened.

Our eyes met.

A silhouette of him appeared from afar.

He was sitting all alone, looking straight at me while he was drenched in rain. [A/n: The pic ☝️]

My world begun to move once more.

I immediately chased him to the opposite direction, crossing the intersecting road. "Kurapika!!! Kur—" I tripped and stumbled down but proceeded to run, searching for him around the alleys where he vanished into thin air.


Who am I kidding... My sight's still playing games with me. Why did I hoped? Why did I sprinted knowing I'll never reach him?

I dropped my head low, eliciting a miserable laugh when realisation shot me.

He's already dead...

Kurapika's P.O.V

"Bastard. Did you purposely picked this area knowing she'll be around here?" I growled, throwing a knife at him.

"No way~" He evades, catching the weapon with his abnormal hand reflexes.

"Just seeing me got you this soaked?~ no good."

"Enough. I'm not so composed to chat with the likes of you. State your business, Hisoka." I coughed, wrapping a muffler around my neck.

"Don't be so cold~" He sighs, playing with my dagger. He's clowning around. I gritted my teeth.

"Where's is he?" I glared.

"So impatient~ I already told you he's alive. Other than that, I can't give you details. But if you insist, it will cost you... your life." He points the blade at me, smiling with malice. "He's also my prey... because I want to fight Chrollo." He inserted the knife in my pocket.

I can think of different ways on how their leader survived the fall...

"Why don't you sit back for a while? If I get to kill him, I get to clean your mess... Isn't that wonderful? You can save up energy." He cooed.

"And if you didn't?" I mocked.

"I guess we'll never know~ I will kill him." He smirked. "Is that all you need?" The vigilant male marches ahead.

"If I was in the condition, I'd beat you dead just to uncover his whereabouts."

"Don't bother. Threatening me while you looked half-dead... I have no interest in fighting you for now~ Also... Here's a good news. The whole spider thinks you're dead~" He chuckles malevolently. "So they're pretty much after me at this point... since I killed one of them."

He's damn twisted.

"Uvogin, Paku, Kortopi, Shalnark, Shizuku... All of them retired off." He flicks a card towards me as he left. "Call me~"

"As if I'd let him patronize me." I crumpled the thing before casting it in the trash.

I need to get back.

I rummaged a hand through my coat, taking a pill as I coughed repeatedly.


(Y/n)... What's she doing around here? I leaned by the wall after getting the gist of it.

I'm sorry, there's no one taking you home this time.

Hisoka's P.O.V

I smirked, crossing paths with his little girlfriend.

Having more toys are fun~

"Oops. You drop this." I gave her a note.

She stares at me, catching familiarity.

"My~ my.." I hummed, getting in the car before she could even utter a word.

"Time to alter the pace." I drove away as I left her a small gift.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"Hey.. I think I met that guy from the party.."

I gasped.

Maybe I can grasp details from him... But he drifted away before my mind processed.

"What's with him? I don't even carry a paper with me.." I unfolded the note.

It was a lie honey~
Your lover is alive \[+.+]/

To be continued

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